Online Course: International Competence in Healthcare Technology ITS-Vives Univ. Final Project Presentation, June 11, 2021
This week 8 groups of participants reported the Development Project assigned in this courses in a final presentation session.
Group 1: 3D Cast Fixation for Kids
Group 2: Tactile Map for visual impaired individuals
Group 3: Craniosynostosis Helmet
Group 4: Automation of fundoscopy camera
Group 5: Prosthetic Hand for Kids
Group 6: 3D Cast Fixation for Kids
Group 7: Adaptive Fuzzy FES controller for Upper Limb movements
Group 8: Prosthetic Hand
Congratulations, all groups have completed the project with very good results, very interesting analysis and discussions.
Thank you very much for Director of ITS Global Engagement, Director of International Exchange Vives Technology University, all committee members, lecturers, all participants.
See you in next collaborative activities.
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