Online Course International Competence in Healthcare Technology ITS-Vives Univ. March 19, 2021
Work session 3: Cultural Session.
This week Vives Students learn Indonesian Language, Indonesia Folk Song and Dances. A committee member lead students in learning Indonesian Folk song Sinanggar Tullo and Tortor Dance. Some information about ITS campus, and outdoor activities of foreign and domestic students in ITS. Staff of Vives Technology University also introduced Folk Dance of Belgium “Zwierig Dansje”. All participants enjoy this week session.
4th Joint Laboratory Seminar on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Neural Electronic Engineering Laboratory Division of Biomedical Engineering for
3rd Joint Laboratory Seminar on Rehabilitation Engineering and Assistive Technology Neural Electronic Engineering Laboratory Division of Biomedical Engineering for
National and Institutional Policies of Rehabilitation Indonesian Government all Indonesian Citizens and Residences as a mandate of the