In the Bachelor Degree, students must complete 144 Semester Credit Units (SKS) which can be taken in 8 semesters (4 years). However, students may be able to graduate more quickly by following the courses beyond the standard load that is in accordance with the capacity of each student in each semester.
In the 6th semester, students can take elective courses in accordance with the desired areas of interest. Elective courses can come from one interest group only to further deepen students’ knowledge in a particular field, or can come from a group of different fields of interest to expand their knowledges.
The curriculum for the Bachelor Degree that is now used in the Electrical Engineering Department is a new curriculum that has been enacted starting in 2018/2019 until 2022/2023 the academic years. In this curriculum, the total number of normal Semester Credit Units (SKS) that must be taken by students is 144 SKS. Lecture expenses of 144 credits can be completed for 8 semesters.
Program Studi Sarjana Teknik Elektro telah merancang struktur mata kuliah per semester. Departemen Teknik Elektro menawarkan empat bidang keahlian yang dihimpun dalam Bidang Studi, yaitu
In the 2018-2022 curriculum, there is no separation between courses and practicum. Lecture activities and practicum activities are implemented in one subject with a load of 3-4 credits. Activities can take place in the classroom or in the laboratory. Lecture activities are carried out to equip students with an understanding of the concept of knowledge / technology. Practicum activities are used to equip students with practical skills.
Another practical experience that must be followed by students is Job Training in the industry for 1 to 3 months with a load of 2 credits. This activity is to broaden students’ knowledges about the application of theory obtained from lectures. In the final stage, students take the Final Project with a load of 4 credits. The Final Project is intended to provide the ability for students to solve certain problem topics according to the area of expertise and compile scientific reports. This final project is comprehensive, written in accordance with scientific principles and must be accounted for in a final task in front of the examiner lecturer.