Data Dosen

Abdullah AlkafGuru BesarIr., M.Sc., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Florida University, USA S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Florida University, USAS3 - Electrical Engineering
Achmad JazidieGuru BesarIr., M.Eng., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Hiroshima University, JapanS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Hiroshima University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Adi SoeprijantoGuru BesarIr.,M.T., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITB S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Hiroshima University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Gamantyo HendrantoroGuru BesarIr., M.Eng.,Ph.D.S1- ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Carleton University, CanadaS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Carleton University, CanadaS3 - Electrical Engineering
Imam RobandiGuru BesarIr., M.T., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Tottori University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Mauridhi Hery PurnomoGuru BesarIr., M.Eng., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - Osaka City University, JapanS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Osaka City University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Mochamad AshariGuru BesarIr., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Curtin University of Technology, AustraliaS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Curtin University of Technology, AustraliaS3 - Electrical Engineering
Mohammad NuhGuru BesarIr., DEA, Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S3
S2 - USTL, FranceS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - University Montpellier II, FranceS3 - Electrical Engineering
Ontoseno PenangsangGuru BesarIr., M.Sc., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Wisconsin University, USA S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 -,Wisconsin University, USAS3 - Electrical Engineering
Yoyon Kusnendar Suprapto Guru BesarIr., M.Sc., Dr.S1 - ITB S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 – University of Missouri, USA S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Achmad ArifinLektor KepalaS.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - Tohoku University, Japan S2 - Electronics
S3 - Tohoku University, JapanS3 - Electronics
Achmad Mauludiyanto Lektor KepalaIr., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Ari SantosoLektor KepalaIr., DEA, Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - LAG INPG, France S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - University Paul Sabatier, FranceS3 - Electrical Engineering
I Ketut Eddy PurnamaGuru BesarS.T., M.T. Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - University of Groningen, NederlandsS3 - Biomedical Engineering
I Made Yulistya NegaraGuru BesarS.T., M.Sc., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 – Karlsruhe University, Germany S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Kyushu University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Margo PujiantaraLektor KepalaIr., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Mochamad HariadiLektor KepalaS.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - Tohoku University, Japan S2 - Inteligent Science
S3 - Tohoku University, JapanS3 - Computational and Mathematical Structure Science
Muhammad RivaiLektor KepalaS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - UI S2 - Opto-Elektroteknika dan Aplikasi Laser
S3 - UnairS3 - Teknologi Sensor
SuwadiLektor KepalaIr., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Titiek Suryani Guru BesarIr., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Tri Arief SardjonoGuru BesarS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - University of Groningen, NederlandsS3 - Biomedical Engineering
Trihastuti Agustinah Guru BesarS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Adhi Dharma WibawaLektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - University of Groningen, NederlandsS3 - Biomedical Engineering
Ardyono PriyadiLektor KepalaS.T., M.Eng., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Hiroshima University, Japan S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Hiroshima University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Dedet Candra RiawanLektorS.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Curtin University, Australia S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Curtin University, AustraliaS3 - Electrical Engineering
Dimas Anton AsfaniLektor KepalaS.T., M.T., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Kumamoto university, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Djoko PurwantoLektor KepalaIr., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - Keio University, JapanS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Keio University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Eko Mulyanto YLektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Eko SetijadiLektor KepalaS.T., M.T., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Kumamoto University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
EndroyonoLektorIr., DEA, Dr.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1, S2, S3
S2 - INSA De Rennes, FranceS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Heri SuryoatmojoGuru BesarS.T., M.T., Ph.D.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Kumamoto university, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Puji HandayaniLektorIr., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITSS2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Ronny MardiyantoLektor KepalaS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Saga University, JapanS3 - Information Science
Rony Seto WibowoLektor KepalaS.T., M.T., Dr.Eng.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Hiroshima University, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Supeno Mardi Susiki NugrohoLektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - ITB S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Surya SumpenoLektorS.T., M.Eng., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - Tohoku University, JapanS2 - Computational and Math. Structure Science
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
WirawanLektorIr., DEA., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - University Nice Sophia, Antipolis, France S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - University Nice Sophia, Antipolis, FranceS3 - Electrical Engineering
Achmad AffandiLektorIr., DEA., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - INSA De Rennes, France S2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - INSA De Rennes, FranceS3 - Electrical Engineering
Totok Mujiono LektorIr., M.I.Kom, Ph.dS1 - ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1, S2, S3
S2 - Universitas IndonesiaS2 - Ilmu Komputer
S3 - Tokyo Institut of Technology, JapanS3 - Electrical Engineering
Hendra Kusuma Lektor KepalaIr., M.Eng., Dr.S1 - ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1, S2, S3
S2 - Curtin University, AustraliaS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Astria Nur Irfansyah LektorS.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - UGMS1 - Teknik ElektroS1, S2, S3
S2 - Univ. of New South Wales, AustraliaS2 - Electrical Engineering
S3 - Univ. of New South Wales, AustraliaS3 - Electrical Engineering
Vita Lystianingrum Budiharto Putri Lektor KepalaS.T., M.Eng., Ph.D.S1 - ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1, S2, S3
S2 - Univ. of New South Wales, AustraliaS2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - Univ. of New South Wales, AustraliaS3 - Electrical Engineering
Ni Ketut AryaniLektorIr., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITS S1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITSS2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Dimas Fajar Uman Putra LektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 - ITSS1 - Teknik Elektro S1, S2, S3
S2 - ITS S2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Diah Puspito Wulandari LektorS.T., M.Sc., Dr.S1 - ITBS1 - Teknik Elektro S2, S3
S2 - University of Edinburgh, UKS2 - Artificial Intelligence
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Muhammad AttamimiLektor B.Eng, M.Eng, Ph.D.S1 - The University of Electro-Communications, JapanS1 - Electronic EngineeringS1, S2, S3
S2 - The Univiversity of Electro-Communications, JapanS2 - Intelligent Systems
S3 - The University of Electro-Communications, JapanS3 - Intelligent Systems
Ali Fatoni LektorIr., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITBS2 - Elektroteknik
Harris Pirngadi LektorIr., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITBS2 – Teknik Elektro
Mochammad SahalLektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2 - Teknik Elektro
S3 – ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Sjamsjul Anam LektorIr., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2 - Teknik Eletro
Tasripan LektorIr., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITBS2 – Teknik Elektro
Zulkifli Hidayat LektorS.T., M.Sc.S1 - ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - University of Twente, Enschede, Belanda.S2 – Electrical Engineering
Devy Kuswidiastuti Asisten AhliS.T., M.Sc.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - Hochschule Darmstadt, JermanS2 – Electrical Engineering
S3 - ITSS3 – Teknik Elektro
Eka Iskandar LektorS.T., M.T.S1 - ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2 - Teknik Elektro
Fajar BudimanLektorST., M.Sc.S1 – ITSS1 – Teknik ElektroS1
S2 – National Taiwan University of Science and TechnologyS2 – Electronics
Nurlita GamayantiLektorS.T., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2 - Teknik Elektro
Prasetiyono Hari MuktiAsisten AhliS.T., M.T., M.Sc., Dr.S1 - ITBS1 – Teknik ElektroS1
S2 – ITBS2 – Teknik Elektro
S2 – Delft University of TechnologyS2 – Electrical Engineering
Rudy Dikairono LektorS.T., M.Sc., Dr.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - Hochschule Darmstadt, JermanS2 – Electrical Engineering
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Sri Rahayu Asisten AhliS.T., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2 – Teknik Informatika
Suwito LektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITBS2 – Teknik Elektro
S3 - ITSS3 - Teknik Elektro
Yusuf Bilfaqih LektorS. T., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 - Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITS- Teknik Elektro
Daniar FahmiLektorS.T., M.T., Dr.S1 – ITSS1 – Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2 – Teknik Elektro
Mohamad Abdul Hady-ST., M.T.S1 – ITSS1 – Teknik ElektroS1
S2 - ITSS2- Teknik Elektro