Greeting From Head of Department

Ronny Mardiyanto

The Department of Electrical Engineering is one of the largest department in the institut teknologi sepuluh nopember which is always committed to being the best in teaching and research through local and international partnerships. We have three study programs those have been accredited A. The program of expertise offered for undergraduate programs is power system engineering, telecommunications multimedia, electronics, and regulatory systems. The master program offers power systems engineering, regulatory systems engineering, multimedia telecommunications techniques, electronics, multimedia intelligent networks, and telematics. The doctoral program offers research programs including electric drives, power systems, intelligent systems, telematics, applied electronics, biomedical engineering, engineering control, engineering control, game technology, and multimedia telecommunications. We also have been certified as AUN-QA and as a host institution from AUN-SEED-NET. Our human resource development in the education process is packaged in an integrated education approach that combines leadership exploration and mental attitude development.

Ronny Mardiyanto, S.T., M.T., Ph.D.