The Department vision of Electrical Engineering of is to become a world-class superior education and research institution in 2020 and to spearhead the process of developing and transferring Science and Technology in the field of Electrical Engineering. To be world class, the Electrical Engineering Department is targeted to have 100 research activities, 100 student achievements and 200 publications per year.
The mission of the Department of Electrical Engineering is
- To carry out educational programs those are supported by quality resources.
- To carry out the development and application of electrical techniques that contribute to the development of science and technology, especially in the fields of electronics, energy, telecommunications, control systems, computing and information technology. To improve the competence of academic staff and support to become professionals in their duties.
- To build a conducive academic atmosphere in order to develop creativity and innovation from staffs and students.
- To provide a learning process based on electrical competence; to conduct innovative, high-quality, and applicable research that is relevant to national and global needs.
- Play an important role in improving the quality of life and national competitive advantage, and encourage cooperation with domestic and international institutions.
The aim of the Department of Electrical Engineering is
- Running an education and teaching system in the field of electrical engineering that refers to national and international standards.
- Produce graduated bachelor of electrical engineering who are moral and ethical, have competence (knowledge, skills and practical abilities) and self-confidence to compete in the global market.
- Conduct basic and applied research, which can be patented and applied in real terms in the industrial world.
- Produce national and international publications and participate in national and international scientific forums.
- Provide technical consultations and training in industry and society, related to solving problems in Power Systems, Electronics, Multimedia Telecommunications, Computer Systems Engineering and Regulatory System Engineering.
Having a network of cooperation at the national and international level in the context of education, research or technology implementation in the community.
The targets to be achieved by the Department of Electrical Engineering are:
- Graduates who have competence in accordance with what is needed by the user, with excellence:
- Compatibility of graduates’ competencies with the needs of the workforce
- Length of study period according to curriculum design
- The Grade Point Average is above the average required by the user
- Graduates who are ready to work in industry, bureaucracy, researchers / academics or business entrepreneurs
- Graduates have certificates of at least 3 types of soft skills training
- The formation of a research climate and research results involving all components, and can be implemented and beneficial to the community
- Increased number of research titles and funds
- Increased synergy between lecturers, students and educational staff in shaping a conducive, effective and productive research climate.
- The establishment of a conducive environment to play an active role in serving the community, especially the application of controlled science to benefit the community.
- Increase the number of community service activities
- Increasing the number of participants in community service activities.
- The creation of resources (human, assets, information & management, finance) and environmental comfort that support the development of the Department of Electrical Engineering
- Availability of adequate infrastructure for the implementation of education, research and community service
- Availability of adequate supporting facilities (sports, arts), and the creation of an academic atmosphere and a comfortable environment
- The creation of an effective network of cooperation between educational institutions within / outside the country, industry, government agencies and the private sector.
- Increasing the amount of cooperation and implementation with other universities, especially overseas, government and private institutions.
- Increasing the number of research collaborations with industry, government agencies, domestic and foreign universities
- Enhancing cooperation with alumni as a means of networking.
- Participate in regional certification programs, such as AUN QA.
The strategy for achieving these objectives is explained in detail in the following points below.
- Academic Development to support graduate competencies, including:
- Improvement and stabilization of a flexible curriculum in accordance with the development of science and technology, the demands of the labor market, and the independence of graduates to create jobs independently and work professionally in accordance with their fields of expertise. Some activities that can support this strategy are by holding guest lectures from industry, entrepreneurs, alumni and academics from outside.
- Improvement of services can be done one of which is by making Standard Operating Procedures or student services. Some existing procedures are procedures for submitting Final Project proposals, Practice Work and Subject Change. For further development, other SOPs related to teaching services will be prepared. This increase is also expected to have a positive impact on increasing the number of graduates on time.
- Improving the quality of graduates by increasing the Grade Point Average for students.
- Development of soft skills training for students through management training programs, leadership, article writing and writing. The results of tiered soft skills development such as Student Management Skills Training (LKMM), Electrical Soft Skill Training (ESTRA), and others can be monitored based on student achievement.
- Increased Facilities and Infrastructure which includes upgrading equipment and laboratory functions, increasing the number and quality of work space for academic staff, improving the quality of a comfortable and beautiful environment to support academic activities. Improving the quality of facilities continues to be improved by providing teaching support equipment, adding several classrooms and maintaining infrastructure. The budget for this activity is targeted to continue to be increased.
- Strategies for Research Development, including:
- Increased number of researchers and research activities. By encouraging the activity of lecturers in research activities, the climate and atmosphere of the research will be more conducive. Student involvement will be more intensive, so that the research performance in the Department of Electrical Engineering will be better.
- Dissemination of the results of research conducted by academic staff and students through the Department of Electrical Engineering and other journals accredited nationally and internationally, and disseminate research results to potential stakeholders. The target of this activity is the number of published scientific works.
- Increase the participation of lecturers in scientific seminar activities. The positive impact expected from the participation of the scientific forum is to increase the network of research collaboration, theme updates and research insights and can promote institutions.
- Participation and participation in professional institutions will also increase lecturer participation in research activities in Indonesia and the World.
o Increased number of research teams certified by Lab Based Education (LBE). With the increase in the number of LBE teams, the environmental conditions of the study can be formed systematically between the main research team, graduate students and undergraduate students.
- Development of Community Service, including:
- Increased role of the Electrical Engineering Department in community and government empowerment
- Increasing the number of community service activities either through internal funds or funds from other agencies.
- Human Resource Development, including:
- Increased formal education qualifications of academic staff. Gradually the qualifications of the teaching staff are planned to be S3.
- Increasing the number of Professors by encouraging lecturers with the rank of Chief Chancellor to prepare and complete the promotion to become Professor. With the number of professors increasing, the academic climate and regeneration of HR development will be better.
- Increasing the number of lecturers who are professionally certified special expertise, such as professional engineers from PII and radio operators from ORARI. With the increasing number of lecturers who are professionally certified, they will support practical teaching and research programs and in accordance with the specifications of graduates’ competency requirements.
- Improving the quality of education personnel through non-formal education or courses. With the increasing number of education staff who are included in the course, it is expected that the quality of service to students and work effectiveness will improve.
- Increasing the amount of cooperation and implementation with industries, government agencies, private sector, domestic and foreign universities, one of which is by active in foreign consortium programs such as AUN / SEED and ASEA UNINET.
The values that the electrical engineering department wants to instill are:
- Ethics and integrity; In the life of the community, state, and carrying out his profession, always adhering to the norms and regulations that apply in society, state, and religion
- Creativity and innovation; Always looking for new ideas to produce innovation in carrying out their duties / roles better
- Excellence; Make maximum efforts to achieve perfect results
- Strong leadership: Demonstrate behavior that is visionary, creative, innovative, hard-working, brave to make changes towards a better, and responsible
- Synergy ; Working together to be able to make the most of their potential
- Social togetherness and social responsibility (socio-cohesiveness and social responsibility); Maintain harmony and care for the surrounding community