Industrial Electronics Laboratory

Laboratory Description

Our mission is to produce electronics bachelors that are able to create, develop, and implement electronic systems in various application. In this lab there are three research, actuator and sensor, acquisition & signal processing, and robotics & automation.

Research Topics

Research carried out in this lab is

  • Sensor development for industry, environment, biomedic, and military.
  • Material technology and gas sensor manufacture
  • Optical gas sensing development
  • Multi-sensor implementation for early detection
  • security system based on biometrics
  • Neural Network implementation for voice-pattern recognition
  • Fourier Transform and Wavelet implementation for vibration analysis
  • Principal Component Analysis for dimension reduction
  • Robot Control System
  • Multi-sensor implementation in robot
  • Robot for engraving and routering
  • Robot for defence and security
  • Robot for monitoring and surveillance


This lab serve several activities which is,

  • Integrated Electronic Systems Practicum
  • Final assignment, thesis, and dissertation
  • Practical work
  • Students research with lecturer
  • Short course for public

Head of Laboratory

Dr. Muhammad Rivai, ST., MT.

Laboratorium Members

  • Muhammad Attamimi, B.Eng., M.Eng., Ph.D.
  • Suwito, S.T., M.T..
  • Fajar Budiman, S.T., M.Sc.

Photos of Lab. Facilities and Activities