
Staf Departemen Teknik Elektro

Nama Staf :   Ida Rachmawati, SE.
NPP :   197005081994032001
Jabatan :   Kepala Sub Bagian Tata Usaha
E-mail :   ida[at]
1.Arranging the work program of the General Subdivision of the Department as a guideline for implementing tasks
2.Dividing assignments to subordinates in the General Sub-Section of the Department in accordance with the main tasks and responsibilities so that the tasks given can be carried out effectively and efficiently
3.Give instructions on the implementation of duties to subordinates in the General Sub-Section of the Department in accordance with the applicable regulations and procedures for the smooth implementation of the task
4.Assess work performance as a material for guidance and career development
5.Documenting academic, staffing, financial, general data and equipment, guidance, discipline, standard operating procedures, implementation instructions and technical instructions for activities in the Department within the framework of the Ministry of Quality performance.
6.Collect and implement the provisions of legislation in the academic field of general household finance student affairs and equipment
7.Carry out academic administration, student affairs, finance, staffing, cooperation, BMN management in the Department
8.Evaluating the implementation of the Department’s General Subdivision duties to find out the problems and their solutions
9.Compile reports of the Department of General Subdivision in accordance with the results that have been achieved as the responsibility of the implementation of the task
10.Carry out other official duties given by superiors
Muchamad Arifin
Nama Staf :   Muchamad Arifin
NPP :   198107182001121003
Jabatan :   P L P
E-mail :   –
Idil asba
Nama Staf :  Idil asba
NPP :  1981201821019
Jabatan :  Teknisi Laboratorium
E-mail :  idiel[at]
Muhammad Fatih Fadli Izza
Nama Staf :  Muhammad Fatih Fadli Izza
NPP :  1998202241081
Jabatan :  Teknisi Laboratorium
E-mail :  fatih[at]
Nama Staf :  Fadhilah Mileanasari
NPP :  1999202242082
Jabatan :  Teknisi Laboratorium
E-mail :  mileanasari[at]
Nama Staf :  Agatha Rama Annata
NPP :  1998202241105
Jabatan :  Teknisi Laboratorium
E-mail :  –
Nama Staf :  Herlystia Annisa, SA.
NPP :  1990201822380
Jabatan :   B P P
E-mail :   –
1.Arrange the draft RBA and UMK and submit to the Unit Head
2.Enter the submission of RBA and UMK through a Financial SIM
3.Disbursing MSEs
4.Distribute unit funds according to needs / requests
5.Conduct checks and bill payments
6.Prepare a Tax Payment Letter (SSP) document
7.Making tax payments from transactions made
8.Scan and document Tax Payment Letters (SSP)
9.Enter data and upload tax deposit letters to the Financial SIM
10.Submit a tax deposit to the Expenditure Treasurer
11.Make a monthly SPJ list
12.Arrange and process accountability (SPJ)
13.Make financial records to daily journals and ledgers
14.Enter financial data through a Financial SIM
15.Prepare financial accountability reports
16.Submit and explain the details of the monthly SPJ to the Commitment Making Officer (PPK)
17.Submit and explain the details of the monthly SPJ to the Internal Audit Office
18.Return the remaining unit funds through the Bank to the Deputy Chancellor II’s account
19.Report financial records to the leadership periodically
20.Store and maintain budget expenditure documents
21.Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or to help other colleagues
Nama Staf :   Erdian Windutono
NPP :   1983201821197
Jabatan :   Pengelola Instalasi Teknologi Informasi
E-mail :   Erdian[at]
1.Melakukan pemasangan dan perawatan perangkat jaringan dalam area unit kerja
2.Melakukan pengecekan dan perawatan access point dalam area unit kerja
3.Melakukan pengecekan dan perawatan komputer dan/atau server dalam area unit kerja
4.Melakukan pengecekan dan perawatan projector dalam area unit kerja
5.Melakukan instalasi dan pemutakhiran software yang diperlukan oleh unit kerja/pegawai
6.Mengusulkan pembaharuan/pengadaan perangkat TIK pada tingkat unit kerja
7.Menginventarisasi dan melaporkan barang dan alat-alat yang tersedia di ruang server unit
8.Mendokumentasikan kegiatan admin jaringan
9.Mengembangkan dan merawat website unit kerja sesuai dengan kebutuhan unit kerja
10.Membantu updating konten website unit kerja
11.Mengelola server hosting unit kerja yang tersedia pada layanan data centre ITS
12.Membuat media publikasi cetak untuk promosi program/kegiatan unit kerja
13.Melakukan koordinasi dengan DPTSI terkait eskalasi keluhan dan kendala layanan TIK
14.Membantu implementasi layanan TIK ITS pada tingkat unit kerja termasuk pengguna mahasiswa
15.Membantu implementasi e-Learning pada tingkat departemen
16.Membantu implementasi e-Office pada tingkat unit kerja
17.Melaksanakan perintah atasan untuk membantu tugas diluar tugas pokok atau membantu rekan kerja lainnya
Nama Staf :   Hartono
NPP :   197711212009101003
Jabatan :   Teknisi Sarana dan Prasarana
E-mail :   –
Novie Susiyanti
Nama Staf :   Novie Susiyanti
NPP :   197611262008102001
Jabatan :   Administrasi Umum
E-mail :   novie[at]
1.Operate e-perkantoran
2.Updating the Department’s website content
3.Disseminate scholarship information
4.Serving scholarship registration administration
5.Serve the financial administration process at Department level student activities
6.Check reports on student activities and finances at the Department level
7.Serving the administrative process of mailing and licensing of Department-level student activities
8.Serving administrative and financial processes for student competition activities
9.Helps the process of checking plagiarism using I-Thenticate
10.Helping document filing process and document submission documents in work units
11.Helping the process of submitting employee ranks in work units
12.Assist in preparing employee employee performance goals documents in the work unit
13.Helping the process of submitting learning assignment documents and reactivation
14.Helping the process of submitting employee retirement documents in the work unit
15.Carry out orders from superiors to help with tasks outside the main task or to help other colleagues
16.Serving the introduction of Department level letters for the needs of employees and students
Eka Oktaviana Romaji
Nama Staf :  Eka Oktaviana Romaji
NPP :  1993202242054
Jabatan :  Administrasi Akademik Sarjana
E-mail :  ekaoktavinar[at]
Rahma Adista Amaliasanti
Nama Staf :  Rahma Adista Amaliasanti
NPP :  1998202242065
Jabatan :  Administrasi Akademik Sarjana Telekomunikasi
E-mail : amaliasanti[at]
Dewi Kartika
Nama Staf :   Dewi Kartika
NPP :   1988201722463
Jabatan :   Administrasi Akademik Pascasarjana
E-mail :   –
Yishar Kriswandono
Nama Staf :   Yishar Kriswandono, S.Si
NPP :   1996202121045
Jabatan :   Administrasi Akademik Pascasarjana
E-mail :   –
Nama Staf :   Irnanto
NPP :   220099002
Jabatan :   Pramu Kantor
E-mail :   –
Sugeng Priono
Nama Staf :   Sugeng Priono
NPP :   220008002
Jabatan :   Petugas Parkir
E-mail :   –
Nama Staf :   Surani
NPP :   220010006
Jabatan :   Petugas Parkir
E-mail :   –
Nama Staf :  Ahmadi
NPP :  –
Jabatan :  Petugas Taman
E-mail :   –
Nama Staf :  Fikri Hidayatni
NPP :  –
Jabatan :  Petugas Kebersihan
E-mail :   –