List Lecturer

Laboratory of Programable Logic Controller and Supervisory Control System

Ir. Arif Musthofa, MT.

NIP : 196608111992031004

Fivitria Istiqomah, S.ST., M.Sc.

NPP : 1992201912085

Joko Priambodo, S.T. M.T 

NPP : 1992202011021

Lutfir Rahman Aliffianto, ST., MT.

NPP : 2022199011042

Faiza Alif Fakhrina, S.Kom, M.T.

NPP : 1989202312053

Laboratory of Cyber Physical, Automation and Industrial Robotics

Dr. Berlian Al Kindhi, S.ST., MT

NPP : 1985201912087

Lucky Putri Rahayu, S.Si., M.Si.

NPP : 1991201712058

Slamet Budiprayitno, ST., MT.

NIP : 197811132010121003

Laboratory of Microelectrics and Embedded System

Fauzi Imaduddin Adhim, S.ST., MT.

NPP : 1991201711057