
Parent Student Meeting

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  • Parent Student Meeting

    Post Views: 11

    19 Sep 2024
  • Guest Lecture – DTEO’s Expert Lecture Series #2 2024 : Ir. Ari Primantara, S.T., M.MT., IPM, CSCA, CPLM – PT Petrokimia Gresik

    Guest Lecture : Ir. Ari Primantara, S.T., M.MT., IPM, CSCA, CPLM (Vice President of Warehouse and Packaging System –

    05 Mar 2024
  • DTEO students who take part in IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility) in 2023

    DTEO students who take part in IISMA (Indonesian International Student Mobility) in 2023   Chata Trista Dyanti – University

    01 Mar 2024