In organizing, students of the Department of Electrical Automation Engineering have a place to organize, namely the Student Association.
Previously HIMAD3TEKTRO started as a HIMA named HMCC (Computer Control Student Association), HMCC changed its name to HIMAD3TEKTRO in 2004. This change in name was due to a split between CC and EI in 2003 and with this change it was expected that CC and EI could join back into one.
The very strong reason for forming HIMAD3TEKTRO is to combine EI and CC, with strong reasons there must be pros and cons, but there are many who are pro with these strong reasons and who are contra when they want to frustrate it finally relent and agree to the reasons and when it was approved a few days later a referendum team was formed chaired by Zanuar Awaludin (CC force 2004). This team consists of 3 classes, namely the 2004, 2005, 2006 classes and was formed to create the march and d3tro flags. In creating marches and flags d3tro requires approval from previous CC residents. In 2006 CC and EI finally joined.
HMCC at a Glance
In accordance with the name of the department, the Association plays a role in accommodating the aspirations and as an official organization within the academic department majoring in Electrical Engineering Computer Control Study Program, so the HMCC (Computer Control Student Association) was founded in 1995 in the First Class. class of 1995 which was previously cadre by the Electrical Department (S1). The Computer Control Student Association has the goal of developing FTI-ITS Computer Control Students who are faithful and devoted to God Almighty, creative, innovative and forming Teamwork based on the spirit of family openness and partnership towards a loyal, solid and quality Association. The Computer Control Student Association as a forum for aspirations in the department and organizational learning container for students needs an effort to develop, the set will need a tool to evaluate suggestions and criticisms of its citizens to build this set that is better in the future.
The D3 Electrical Engineering Student Association (HIMAD3TEKTRO) is an independent student organization and its scope is in the Department of Electrical Automation Engineering, Vocational Faculty, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. As an institution located at the department level, the D3 Electrical Engineering Student Association conducts activities related to student needs (student needs), student welfare (student welfare), and student interest (student interest) which are the desires and aspirations of students of the Electrical Engineering Department integral and unity. The position of HIMAD3TEKTRO at the department level will complement and strengthen the organizational structure of students at ITS. In addition, HIMAD3TEKTRO will also bridge between students and the Department of Electrical Automation in distributing mutual aspirations or information.