During their education, students of Engineering Physics can choose one of the five specializations provided such as, Instrumentation and Controls, Energy, Materials, Vibration and Acoustics, and Photonics. Specialization is highly related to the elective courses and the topic of final project.
Instrumentation and Controls
In the Specialization of Instrumentation and Control, students learn about design, manufacturing, and the operation of physical instruments as well as instrumentation systems for the detection, observation, measurement, automatic control system, data communication, also data acquisition in many applications from industrial to medical. The main activities for students in this specialization are :
- Developing the hardware of measurement, control, and safety instruments for the application in industry or medical field
- Developing network technologies for detection, observation, and control
- Developing smart instrumentation such as neural network, genetic algorithm, fuzzy logic, and artificial intelligent for the use simulation and computation
- Developing medical instrumentation
The Instrumentation and Control Laboratory is the main facility where students can work and having some experiments.
Energy Engineering and Environmental Conditioning
The specialization of energy engineering allows students to learn the discipline of thermal engineering, renewable energy, energy conservation, and their application to the environment. Thermal Engineering mainly study that some variables such as temperature, pressure, flow, etc. is manipulated to achieve comfortable condition of the environment and increase the system`s performance. In the other side, the renewable energy, energy conservation, and energy management is learned both in the industrial and housing scale. The research and experiments of this specialization mostly carried out in the Energy Engineering and Environmental Conditioning Laboratory
Materials Engineering
The specialization of Material Engineering is about the design, synthesis, and analysis of a material. The application of certain material depends of the development of technology used. Some topic studied at the Materials Lab are as follows :
- Design, application, and analysis of sensor, including semiconductor and ceramics-based sensors
- Microelectronics device
- Analysis of materials performance, as the industrial instruments as well as manufacturing industries
Vibration and Acoustics
Specialization of Vibration and Acoustics related to the concept and characteristic of vibration, acoustics, and lighting, for both indoors and outdoors applications. The architectural variables of a building are manipulated to fulfill comfort level requirement. Besides that, the hearing nature of human, underwater acoustics, auditory signal processing, are also studied in this specialization. The Vibration and Acoustics laboratory used as main facility for learning and research purposes.
Photonics Engineering
The study of light started more than 1000 years ago, but still, there are lots of its mystery that has not been found. In the Photonics Engineering specialization, students learn about the definition and function of light, optics, optoelectrics, and photonics. Both light`s properties as particle (photons), and as a lightwave helps in the advancement of communications, non-destructive detection systems, bio-medical, even industries. The most prominent example is the optical fiber communication system. It gives better transmission because of smaller signal loss than normal copper cable.Photonics has brought many scientific concepts to the realization since the invention of laser in the 60s which becomes the beginning of revolution in optics. The development of laser technology, both in characteristic, design, and application is also becomes the part of this specialization. Photonics Engineering Laboratory is the place where students can learn and be a part of photonics community, because it has 2 student chapters, OSA and SPIE. Both are international photonics organization which support the education and research funding in the field of photonics for Engineering Physics students.