Kuliah Tamu Departemen Teknik Fisika “Change from Now to New Desired” dengan pemateri Dr.
Dear Ladies and Gentlemen of Academics, Practitioners, Researchers, and Students throughout Indonesia The EPIC
Salam Publikasi Internasional! Yth. Bapak dan Ibu Akademisi, Praktisi, Peneliti, dan Mahasiswa di seluruh
Visit Company 2020 will be held: Day : Tuesday Date : February 11th 2020
International Conference on Renewable Energy Research & Challenge 2019 in conjunction with The 12th
International Day of Light is celebrated in 16 May every year
Engineering Physics ITS presents essay and problem solving competition in the field of process
The Departement of Engineering Physics Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember proudly host: Engineering Physics International
UNESCO, sebagai salah satu badan / organisasi yang bernaung dibawah PBB, telah mencanangkan perayaan
Evaluasi tengah semester dilaksanakan pada minggu ke-8 perkuliahan