Doctoral Program


Toward a Doctoral Study Program in the field of Engineering Physics that is superior and has an international reputation.



  1. Carry out high-quality doctoral education (S3) in the field of Engineering Physics;
  2. Conduct research characterized by:
    a) The application of physics-based engineering to answer the challenges of the needs of science and technology in national development;
    b) The anticipation of global trends in the development of the latest science and technology through superior innovation; and
    c) Ability to compete (in a healthy, elegant, and uphold high academic ethics) with other foreign peers in the development of the latest specific scientific fields, which are the focus of development as planned.
  3. Conduct community service to help solve problems nationally in the interdisciplinary field;
  4. Implement doctoral education management in an effective, efficient and accountable manner, and disseminating all management results in tridharma.



Based on the vision and mission formulated above, the objectives of the doctoral study program can be written as follows:

  1. Develop the scientific field of Engineering Physics through educational and research activities, by optimizing the availability of existing resources and the formation of academic and research collaborative networks with other institutions in the same field, at the national, regional and international levels;
  2. Produce high quality and international reputation scientific works and actively carry out their dissemination activities, and are able to translate the results of these research into the form of technology implementation which is feasible in terms of technical and economic aspects;
  3. Produce doctoral graduates in the field of Engineering Physics who have a strong foundation of mastery of the latest in science and technology with sharp analytical skills based on Engineering Physics and its derivatives, and have ethics as academics. These graduates must be able to play an active role in efforts to strengthen national competitiveness in the current time.

ITS Physics Engineering Doctoral Study Program (S3) is held with a length of 6 to 8 semesters, with a study load of 42 credits.

A. Admission for students with same educational background

The curriculum of doctoral program offered to students who come from a scientific field, where the curriculum content that must be completed in the program is 42 (forty-two credits).

B. Admission for students with different educational background

Prospective students who come from different educational master programs, are required to first take a number of matriculation courses (determined by the dissertation committee of the Physics Engineering Doctoral program) in order to equalize the candidate’s level of understanding and mastery of the Physical Engineering scientific field related to the theme of his dissertation.

The maximum number of matriculation courses that must be taken is 12 credits. The courses will be determined by the dissertation committee. The minimum score that must be obtained for each of these courses is B.

After completing the matriculation stages, doctoral students from this pathway will get a fairly good understanding of the basic engineering physics field, which is at the same level as the understanding possessed by prospective students who come from master programs in the same field. Then, students can continue their program, and complete their studies based on the curriculum content of the Physics Engineering doctoral program.


To graduate from the Doctoral Program, students must meet the following quality standards:

  1. Pass compulsory courses, qualification examinations, closed examinations, and open examinations.
  2. Have attended a dissertation progress seminar held by the study program at least once every semester after passing the qualification exam. If you do not attend one dissertation progress seminar, it will be considered resigning.
  3. Have completed all study loads of at least 42 credits including a dissertation and taken a maximum of 14 semesters for graduates of a master’s degree program.
  4. Have completed all study loads of at least 70 credits including a dissertation and a maximum of 14 semesters from a bachelor’s degree.
  5. Pass the entire study load/courses required according to the respective study program with a minimum grade of B.
  6. Have minimum dissertation examination score of B.
  7. Have published research results related to the dissertation of at least one paper that has been published in reputable international journals or one paper that has been accepted in reputable international journals and one paper that has been presented orally at reputable international seminars. Reputable international journals are scopus indexed international journals with qualifications of Q1, Q2, Q3, or Q4, or international journals indexed by Thomson Reuters with an impact factor of more than 0.01.
  8. Has fulfilled the requirements for English language proficiency with a TEFL score of ≥ 500. The TEFL score (test results at the CLC ITS) obtained when the entrance test at the same level can be recognized as a pass requirement.

Students of doctoral program in collaboration with partner universities are declared to have passed the joint degree program if they meet the following requirements:

  1. Have taken and passed a minimum of 50% of the total credit load required by ITS, excluding thesis / dissertation.
  2. Have taken and been declared to have passed all required courses at partner universities through an equivalent process with the ITS curriculum system.
  3. Have fulfilled the requirements of scientific publication and foreign language value.





Some of the partnerships that have been established can be written as follows:


  1. Dept of Physics Jazan University, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. (Prof. Ali A Kamli)
  2. Arai-Nishiyama Laboratory, Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  3. Department of Information and Communications Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (Prof. Takao Kobayashi)
  4. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University. (Prof. Tsuyoshi Usagawa)
  5. Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Tohuku, Japan. (Prof. Takashi Nose)
  6. Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kumamoto University, Field of Solar Cell
  7. Department of Physics, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, RoC. (Prof Shi-Wei Chu)
  8. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, RoC
  9. National Tsing Hua University Department of Electrical Engineering, Hsinchu City, RoC. (Prof Shang-Hua Yang)
    Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) – CSIR, Chandigarh, India. (Dr. Ing Rajesh Kanawade)


  1. Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien (IPHT), Jena, Germany (Prof. Benjamin Dietzek)
  2. Institut für Photonik und Quantenelektronik (IPQ), Karlsruhe, Germany (Prof. Christian Koos)
  3. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University France, Field of Instrumentation and Nanotechnology
  4. Post Graduate Program Renewable Energy (PPRE), Oldenburg University (OU). (Dr Michael Golba)
  5. Acoustics Research Unit, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, (Dr. Pyeung-Jik Lee)
  6. Department of Engineering and Technology, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Prof. Andrew Ball)
  7. School of Allied Health Sciences, De Montfort University, UK (Prof Parvez Haris)


  1. Photonics and Optical Physics group, School of Physics, the University of Sydney (Dr David Marpaung)
  2. School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (SECTE), University of Wollongong, Australia, (Dr Ginu Rajan)


  1. The University of Northern California, Petaluma, California
  2. Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBME), University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
  3. Department of Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York
  4. The McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. (Prof. Josh McDermott & Prof. Louis Braida)
  5. Universidad Quintanaa Roo – Mexico
  6. Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba


  1. Nelson Mandela Metroplitan University (NMMU), Faculty of Science
  2. Institute Marine Science (IMS) – University Dar Er Salaam (UDSM), Zanzibar – Tanzania



Graduate Program of Engineering Physics

(CP : Martha Hardiyah, S.Pd.)

ITS Sukolilo campus, Surabaya 60111

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