Toward a Doctoral Study Program in the field of Engineering Physics that is superior and has an international reputation.
Based on the vision and mission formulated above, the objectives of the doctoral study program can be written as follows:
ITS Physics Engineering Doctoral Study Program (S3) is held with a length of 6 to 8 semesters, with a study load of 42 credits.
A. Admission for students with same educational background
The curriculum of doctoral program offered to students who come from a scientific field, where the curriculum content that must be completed in the program is 42 (forty-two credits).
B. Admission for students with different educational background
Prospective students who come from different educational master programs, are required to first take a number of matriculation courses (determined by the dissertation committee of the Physics Engineering Doctoral program) in order to equalize the candidate’s level of understanding and mastery of the Physical Engineering scientific field related to the theme of his dissertation.
The maximum number of matriculation courses that must be taken is 12 credits. The courses will be determined by the dissertation committee. The minimum score that must be obtained for each of these courses is B.
After completing the matriculation stages, doctoral students from this pathway will get a fairly good understanding of the basic engineering physics field, which is at the same level as the understanding possessed by prospective students who come from master programs in the same field. Then, students can continue their program, and complete their studies based on the curriculum content of the Physics Engineering doctoral program.
To graduate from the Doctoral Program, students must meet the following quality standards:
Students of doctoral program in collaboration with partner universities are declared to have passed the joint degree program if they meet the following requirements:
Academic Guidelines:
Some of the partnerships that have been established can be written as follows:
Graduate Program of Engineering Physics
(CP : Martha Hardiyah, S.Pd.)
ITS Sukolilo campus, Surabaya 60111
Telp. : +62 82334081716
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Media Sosial