
Tantang Dirimu di Kampus Perjuangan ITS

Program seleksi penerimaan mahasiswa Departemen Teknik Fisika dikelola secara terpadu oleh Biro Administrasi Pembelajaran dan Kesejahteraan Mahasiswa (BAPKM). Informasi selengkapnya, silahkan kunjungi sarjana, pascasarjana, internasional ini.

Program Sarjana Teknik Fisika merupakan program pendidikan Strata 1 (S1) dengan Akreditasi A bagi lulusan sekolah menengah atas (SMA/SMU) atau yang sederajat (SMK). Pada Tahun Akademik 2017/2018, penerimaan mahasiswa baru Program Sarjana (S1) Teknik Fisika mengacu pada Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi (Permenristekdikti) Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Program Sarjana pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri, sebagaimana diubah dengan Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 45 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Riset, Teknologi, dan Pendidikan Tinggi Nomor 2 Tahun 2015 tentang Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru Program Sarjana Pada Perguruan Tinggi Negeri.

Berdasarkan Peraturan Menteri tersebut ditetapkan bahwa pola penerimaan mahasiswa baru Program Sarjana (S1) Teknik Fisika dilakukan melalui tiga pola, yaitu:

  1. Seleksi Nasional Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SNMPTN)
  2. Seleksi Bersama Masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri (SBMPTN), dan
  3. Seleksi Mandiri Program Kemitraan dan Mandiri (PKM)

Daya tampung mahasiswa baru program sarjana yang diterima melalui SNMPTN sebesar 20% (dua puluh persen) dari total daya tampung setiap program studi, melalui SBMPTN sebesar 30% (tiga puluh persen) dari total daya tampung setiap program studi, dan melalui seleksi mandiri sebesar 50% (lima puluh persen) dari total daya tampung program studi teknik fisika ITS.

Mahasiswa pada Program S1 Reguler diwajibkan menyelesaikan perkuliahan minimal sebanyak 144 sks (satuan kredit semester) yang dijadwalkan dalam 8 semester (1 semester terdiri atas 16 minggu perkuliahan dan evaluasi). Lulusan Program Sarjana Teknik Fisika akan mendapatkan gelar Sarjana Teknik (S.T). Adapun beban studi ini dibagi menjadi 2 tahap, yaitu :

  • Tahap Persiapan, dengan beban 36 sks yang dijadwalkan dalam 2 semester
  • Tahap Sarjana, dengan beban 108 sks yang dijadwalkan dalam 6 semester

Persyaratan Program Pascasarjana

  1. Peserta program terbuka bagi lulusan Program Sarjana dengan IPK 2,75 (skala 4) (untuk Program Magister) dari Perguruan Tinggi Negeri atau Perguruan Tinggi Swasta dengan program studi yang terakreditasi minimal B.
  2. Mendapatkan dua surat rekomendasi  (format bisa diunduh disini) yang bisa berasal dari:
    • Pimpinan instansi bagi yang sudah bekerja.
    • Mantan pembimbing akademik program sarjana.
    • Dosen senior dengan jabatan fungsional minimal lektor.
  3. Memiliki sertifikat TOEFL/TOEFL- like Paper based dengan nilai skor minimal 450 (untuk program master) dan 477 (untuk program doktor) dari instansi:
    • Institutional Testing Program (ITP).
    • Sertifikat Bahasa Inggris dari seluruh Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia.
    • Sertifikat TEFL paper based dapat digantikan dengan sertifikat IELTS  dengan skor minimal 4.5 atau TOEFL IBT dengan skor minimal 32.
    • Untuk di ITS, jadwal tes sejenis TOEFL (TEFL) bisa dilihat di: atau Telp. (031) 5990322 / 5947274 ext. 1221
  4. Memiliki sertifikat Tes Potensi Kemampuan Akademik (TPKA) dengan skor minimal 400 (untuk program master) dan 450 (untuk program doktor), yang dikeluarkan oleh: SPKB ITS, atau Tes Potensi Akademik (TPA) yang dikeluarkan oleh BAPPENAS, dan TKDA HIMPSI. Untuk tes di SPKB ITS bisa mengubungi No. Telp. 031- 5994255.
  5. Lulus seleksi masuk/tes masuk:
  • Tulis: Materi Bidang
  • Wawancara
  1. Menyatakan kesanggupan untuk memenuhi ketentuan/prosedur akademik dan finansial yang berlaku

Tatacara Pendaftaran Program Pascasarjana

  1. Melalui web ITS: calon peserta melakukan pendaftaran Kode Akses Pendaftaran (KAP) dan Personal Identification Number (PIN). Calon peserta menuliskan nama lengkap, tanggal lahir, dan alamat email yang valid.
  2. Selanjutnya calon peserta akan mendapatkan  email berisi Kode Bayar, KAP dan PIN.
  3. Dengan menggunakan Kode Bayar, calon peserta membayar biaya pendaftaran sebesar Rp. 500.000,00 melalui loket/Teller/ATM/Internet Banking untuk Bank Mandiri, Bank BNI, Bank BRI, Bank BTN, dan Bank Jatim (Perhatian : Biaya pendaftaran TIDAK DAPAT ditarik kembali dengan alasan apapun).
  4. Panduan Detail Cara Pembayaran Melalui Internet Banking/ATM Bisa Dilihat Disini.
  5. Calon peserta melakukan pendaftaran secara online (melalui Internet) dengan mengunjungi website Seleksi Masuk ITS (SMITS) dengan alamat, dengan login menggunakan KAP dan PIN.
  6. Untuk melakukan pendaftaran secara online, calon peserta harus menyiapkan:
    1. File pas foto berwarna terbaru ukuran 4×6 cm (memakai pakaian yang sopan dan rapi) dengan latar belakang putih berformat JPEG atau PNG dengan ukuran maksimum 500 KB.
    2. Ijazah Sarjana (S1).
    3. Transkrip Sarjana (S1).
    4. Ijazah Magister (khusus program S3).
    5. Transkrip Magister (khusus program S3).
    6. Surat Rekomendasi 2 buah.
    7. Sertifikat TOEFL/IELTS.
    8. Sertifikat TPA atau TPKA.
    9. Surat Keterangan Sehat.
    10. Proposal Disertasi (khusus program S3)
  7. Calon peserta harus menyimpan dan mencetak file Kartu Bukti Pendaftaran online.
  8. Calon peserta tidak diperkenankan mengganti program studi yang telah dipilih dengan alasan apapun.
  9. Calon peserta menandatangani Kartu Bukti Pendaftaran tersebut pada tempat yang disediakan.
  10. Kartu peserta dibawa pada waktu test materi bidang dan wawancara.

ITS offers various degree programs organized by the departments within the institute.

Degree programs are:

  • Undergraduate/Bachelor (S1)
  • Master (S2)
  • Doctoral (S3)
  • Vocational Three-Year Diploma (D3)

While some departments are opened International Class for Degree Program, which is English is used as Medium of Instruction, some departments only offer full degree programs with Bahasa Indonesia. The list of the department could be checed on here.  Interested applicants with no sufficient language score/proficiency (either in English or Indonesian) can still apply for a condition offer. ITS provides English and Indonesian courses to improve candidates’ language proficiency. For applicants who would like to apply on non International Degree Program is  required to learn Indonesia Language for 1 year period at ITS/

Application letter must be sent to ITS International Office ( with complete supporting documents as listed below. If necessary, the ITS selection committee will undertake an interview session through phone or skype (if necessary). The admission requirements for each program are described in the next section.


Undergraduate/Bachelor (S1)

  1. A copy of high school certificate of equivalent; certified by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.

If the applicant has no high school certificate but a certificate equivalent to the high school certificate, the copy of the certificate must be accompanied by a guarantee letter signed by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.

  1. A copy of academic transcript from high school of equivalent; certified by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.
  2. If applying to an English program, the applicanthas to submit a copy of valid TOEFL IBT: 64 / IELTS: 5 / TOEFL PBT: 510  (not more than 2 years). For applicants from an English learning high school, a statement letter from the high school principle is needed.

If applying to an Indonesian program, the applicant has to attend and pass an internal Indonesian language tests (written and oral) organized by ITS.

  1. A copy of valid health certificate (not more than 1 months), which is released by hospital or doctor stating about your health).
  2. motivation letter maximum of 300 words detailing the applicant’s intrest to study at ITS.
  3. A copy of valid applicant’s passport. Passport’s expiry date must be more than 18 months after the program started.
  4. Formal photo, with reqirements as follows: 1. Face and Body ar looking straight, 2. Formal clothing, 3. Red Background, 4. No hat & glasses.
  5. Letter of funding sponsorship (by parents, corporate, institution, or scholarship grantee), attached with own salary slip or parent’s salary slip.
  6. recommendation letter
  7. A filled International Students Application form*
  8. A filled Health Information Form*
  9. The latest Curriculum Vitae
  10. A filled Statement Letter for Program and Funding Form*
    *the form could be downloaded in below of this page


Master (S2)

  1. A copy of bachelor degree certificate from a regionally accredited institution; certified by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.

Degrees from non-accredited institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis.

  1. A copy of every official academic transcript from the college or university  where the applicant has taken previous courses; certified by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.
  2. If applying to an English program, the applicanthas to submit a copy of valid TOEFL IBT: 64 / IELTS: 5 / TOEFL PBT: 510  (not more than 2 years). For applicants from an English learning University, a statement letter from the University is needed.

If applying to an Indonesian program, the applicant has to attend and pass an internal Indonesian language tests (written and oral) organized by ITS.

  1. A copy of valid health certificate (not more than 1 months), which is released by hospital or doctor stating about your health)
  2. motivation letter maximum of 300 words detailing the applicant’s intrest to study at ITS.
  3. A copy of valid applicant’s passport. Passport’s expiry date must be more than 18 months after the program started.
  4. Formal photo, with reqirements as follows: 1. Face and Body ar looking straight, 2. Formal clothing, 3. Red Background, 4. No hat & glasses.
  5. Letter of funding sponsorship (by parents, corporate, institution, or scholarship grantee), attached with own salary slip or parent’s salary slip.
  6. recommendation letter
  7. A filled International Students Application form*
  8. A filled Health Information Form*
  9. The latest Curriculum Vitae
  10. A filled Statement Letter for Program and Funding Form*
    *the form could be downloaded in below of this page


Doctoral (S3)

  1. A copy of bachelor and master degree certificates from a regionally accredited institution; certified by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.

Degrees from non-accredited institutions will be evaluated on an individual basis.

  1. A copy of every official academic transcript from the college or university  where the applicant has taken previous courses; certified by the government official from the applicant’s country of origin.
  2. If applying to an English program, the applicanthas to submit a copy of valid TOEFL IBT: 64 / IELTS: 5 / TOEFL PBT: 510  (not more than 2 years). For applicants from an English learning University, a statement letter from the University is needed.

If applying to an Indonesian program, the applicant has to attend and pass an internal Indonesian language tests (written and oral) organized by ITS.

  1. A copy of valid health certificate (not more than 1 months), which is released by hospital or doctor stating about your health).
  2. motivation letter maximum of 300 words detailing the applicant’s intrest to study at ITS.
  3. A copy of valid applicant’s passport. Passport’s expiry date must be more than 18 months after the program started.
  4. Formal photo, with reqirements as follows: 1. Face and Body ar looking straight, 2. Formal clothing, 3. Red Background, 4. No hat & glasses.
  5. recommendation letter from former supervisor.
  6. recommendation letter from prospective advisor(s)/supervisor(s) at ITS (PhD Supervisor Acceptance).
  7. Letter of funding sponsorship (by parents, corporate, institution, or scholarship grantee), attached with own salary slip or parent’s salary slip.
  8. A filled International Students Application form*
  9. A filled Health Information Form*
  10. The latest Curriculum Vitae
  11. A filled Statement Letter for Program and Funding Form*
    *the form could be downloaded in below of this page


Tuition Fees

Degree programs (per semester)

  • Undergraduate/Bachelor (S1) – IDR 10 millions
  • Master (S2) – IDR 15 millions
  • Doctoral (S3) – IDR 18 millions
  • Vocational Three-Year Diploma (D3) – IDR 10 millions

Deadlines for paying tuition fees are before the Perwalian / FRS (Formulir Rencana Studi) week. Deadline for Odd semester/ Fall semester (semester ganjil) varies between the 2nd or 3rd week of August and for Even semester/ Spring semester (semester genap) varies between the 4th week of January or the 1st week of February. Please make sure that you pay your tuition fee before the above deadline and if you don’t you won’t be able to register any classes for the following semester.

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