Erna Septyaningrum

Personal Information

Name : Erna Septyaningrum, S.T., M.T. (Dr. cand.)
NIDN : 0025099203
NIP : 1992201912073
Position : Assistant Professor
Email :
Laboratory : Laboratory of Energy Engineering and Environmental Conditioning
Personal Website :
Reserach Interest : 1. Energi Baru Terbarukan
2. Hidrodinamika
3. Konversi Energi
4. Mekanika Fluida
5. Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)
6. Audit Energi
Research Page : Google Scholar | SINTA | Scopus | ResearchGate
Curriculum Vitae : (Download)


  1. Departemen Teknik Fisika (S.T), ITS, Indonesia, 2015
  2. Departemen Teknik Fisika (M.T), ITS, Indonesia, 2018

(Selected) Publications

  1. Satwika, N. A., Hantoro, R., Septyaningrum, E., & Mahmashani, A. W. (2019). Analysis of wind energy potential and wind energy development to evaluate performance of wind turbine installation in Bali, IndonesiaJournal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences13(1), 4461-4476.
  2. Hantoro, R., & Septyaningrum, E. (2018). Novel Design of a Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine-Straight-Blade Cascaded (VAHT-SBC): Experimental and Numerical SimulationJournal of Engineering & Technological Sciences50(1).
  3. Septyaningrum, E., Hantoro, R., Utama, I. K. A. P., Prananda, J., Nugroho, G., Mahmasani, A. W., & Satwika, N. A. (2019). Performance analysis of multi-row vertical axis hydrokinetic turbine–straight blade cascaded (VAHT-SBC) turbines arrayJournal of Mechanical Engineering and Sciences13(3), 5665-5688.
  4. Hantoro, R., Prananda, J., Mahmashani, A. W., Septyaningru, E., & Imanuddin, F. (2018, May). Performance investigation of an innovative Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine–Straight Blade Cascaded (VAHT-SBC) for low current speed. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1022, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.
  5. Hantoro, R., Septyaningrum, E., Siswanto, B. B., & Izdiharrudin, M. F. (2020). Hydrochar Production through the HTC Process: Case Study of Municipal Solid Waste Samples in East Java, IndonesiaSolid Fuel Chemistry54(6), 418-426.
  6. Hantoro, R., Mahmashani, A. W., Septyaningrum, E., & Amrullah, A. R. (2021, September). Stability analysis of the catamaran pontoon for a floating system hydrokinetic turbine VAHT-SBC. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2376, No. 1, p. 090012). AIP Publishing LLC.
  7. Hantoro, R., Septyaningrum, E., Ridho, B. I., & Mahmashani, A. W. (2021, September). Response analysis of pendulum and pontoon on ocean wave energy conversion system (OWCS)–Double pendulum system. In AIP Conference Proceedings (Vol. 2376, No. 1, p. 090010). AIP Publishing LLC.
  8. Hantoro, R., Panjaitan, F. P., Septyaningrum, E., & Hidayati, N. (2021). Site Test Performance and Numerical Study of Vertical Axis Hydrokinetic Turbine Straight Blade Cascaded (VAHT-SBC)Journal of Engineering & Technological Sciences53(1).
  9. Utama, I. K. A. P., Hantoro, R., Septyaningrum, E., Khasanah, Q., Prananda, J., & Arief, I. S. (2021). Analysis of pontoon multi pendulum motion response trimaran model at ocean wave power plant based on pendulum system (PLTG-SB). In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 1052, No. 1, p. 012063). IOP Publishing.
  10. Mahmashani, A. W., Hantoro, R., Septyaningrum, E., Firmansyah, O. A., & Zidna, F. (2018, August). Impact of Sizing in VAHT-SBC to the Channel Blockage. In 2018 International Seminar on Intelligent Technology and Its Applications (ISITIA) (pp. 111-116). IEEE.

Teaching Courses

1 Termodinamika
2 Perpindahan Panas dan Massa
(Mass and Heat Transfer)
3 Rekayasa Sistem Kenyamanan Termal
(Thermal Comfort System Engineering)
4 Rekayasa Sistem Konversi dan Konservasi Energi
(Energy Conversion and Conservation System Engineering)
5 Mekanika Fluida
(Fluids Mechanics)

Open Position

– Currently no open position

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