Master Program


The vision of master program of Eningeering Physics is to become a higher education institution at the master’s level as a reputable center of higher education and research in the field of Engineering Physics both at the national and international level. Futhermore, the master program of Engineering Physics  is able to produce graduates who are able to compete at a global level. 



  1. Performing the education, research, and community service in the field of high-quality and innovative engineering physics science;
  2. Actively contributing to solving the scientific and engineering problems through research and development of applied technology based on engineering physics collaboration in the central and local governments, industry, and the wider communities;
  3. Improving the development of science and technology in the field of engineering physics to support the acceleration of national development;
  4. Improving the quality of education and research to reach a World Class University.


Program’s Education Objective (PEO)

Master program of Engineering Physics (MoEP) ITS has been in existence since 2008 through the Decree of the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) No. 2202/D/T/2008, July 15, 2008. It is intended to deliver graduates with specific skills and knowledge to pace and overcome the future dynamic changes in their careers. The development  process of itended competence profile of graduates is contructed in Figure.1 which involves several parties including  the staff, students, alumni and advisory board. Graduates from the Master Program of Engineering Physics are expected to attain the following Program Educational Objective within a few years of graduation:  

  1. A reputation as an expert of innovative solutions to complex problem in the Engineering Physics field, in particular instrumentation engineering and renewable energy technology  
  2. Development in their professional career and progress toward an advanced degree  
  3. Leadership positions in their organization including academia and/or industry  

 The rapid development of science and technology has changed the paradigm of the study approach in the scientific field, into an integrated approach that is inter and multi-disciplinary. MoEP is an education that combines engineering concepts with a strong mastery of Physics and Mathematics to produce creative and innovative applications. Students are equipped with research and development, design, and analysis capabilities for various industrial physics systems 

Program Learning Outcomes (PLO)

Based on the graduate’s profile of master program of Engineering Physics (MoEP) listed in the PEOs, and correspond to the Ministerial Decree of Education and Culture No. 3/2020 on Higher Education National Standard. The Program’s Learning outcomes of the higher education should contain 4 elements, i.e. attitude, knowledge, general skills, and specialization skills.  

The learning outcome of MoEP has been evaluated every 4 years. The previous PLO was based on 2014 curriculum and further evaluated in 2018 . In order that quality assurance in learning can be carried out properly, evaluation of ITS curriculum was done by Internal quality assurance system (SPMI) annually ,and self assesment report of each course coordinator every semester. There are nine PLO in last curriculum evaluation. However some of points in previous PLO has been difficult to measured. Thus, to easily measure the LO achievement , the learning outcomes were compressed to 6 PLO. All the components in previous  PLO is represented in the new PLO, because there is an intersection between previous PLO. 

PLO formulation involves many parties, including all civitas in the study program and stakeholders. The stakeholder that involved in PLO formulation are MoEP staff, student, alumni, alumni user,and advisory board  PLO were formulated based on the national standard of higher education (SN-DIKTI), the indonesian qualification framework (KKNI), the institution of engineers Indonesia- Engineering Physics section, national and international university benchmarking and the tracer study result. The formulation of PLO has to support the PEO and vision and mission of MoEP. The formualted PLO is then used to specify the qualification profile  and to structure the curriculum of MoEP. In addition, the learning outcomes of the degree programme been verified within the last few years. Furthermore alumni user also participate in the development of curriculum, in giving suggestions and feedback through online form.

The Program Learning Outcomes of master program of Engineering Physiscs 

Code PLOs 
PLO 1  Graduates possess in depth comprehension of advanced mathematics, physics, and engineering in order to solve complex problems.  
PLO 2 Graduates are able to develop a critical, and creative thinking in identifying, formulating, solving, and evaluating the scientific and engineering problems that emerge in the field of engineering physics on an intra- or multidisciplinary basis. 
PLO 3  Graduates are able to identify and to develop the appropriate methodologies as well as to analyze and to evaluate research and engineering data. 
PLO 4  Graduates are able to work in an interdisciplinary and multicultural team within their professional ethics. 
PLO 5  Graduates are able to effectively communicate in both oral and written format 
Industrial Instrumentation Engineering 
PLO 6.I Graduates are able to independently develop innovative methods, skills and tools required in designing and optimizing an instrumentation and control system in industry under certain operational limitations 
Renewable Energy Engineering 
PLO 6.E  Graduates are able to independently develop innovative methods, skills and tools required in designing and optimizing renewable and sustainable energy system under various parameter condition 

Since the establishment of MoEP in 2008, the curriculum of MoEP has been reviewed two times i.e. 2014, 2018 for matching the intended competence profile. The review involved several stakeholder which is figured in Figure.1 including the MoEP staff, student, alumni, alumni user and advisory board.  The field of study in MoEP as first establisehd in 2008 is only industrial instrumentation engineering. Afterwards , the curriculum in MoEP  was adjusted in 2010 by adding the renewable energy field of study according to main goal of annual workshop of developing sustainability in Port Elisabeth .The adjustment of curriculum was assisted by post graduate program of renewable energy (PPRE), Oldernburg University. Therefore, since 2010, there are two field of spesialization in MoEP, namely industrial instrumentation engineering (IIE) and renewabel energy technology (RET).  


The master program of Engineering physics (MoEP), is carried out in 4 semesters (2 years), with a maximum study period of 4 years. Before taking the specialization, student have to take 16 credits of general cumpolsary courses. IIE spesialization consist of 14 credits of cumpolsary courses and 6 credits of elective courses. Meanwhile, RET specialization consist of 15 credits of cumpolsary courses and 6 credits of elective course. Furthermore, there are additional activities in each courses. IIE and RET spesialization have 36 and 37 credits for additional activities, respectively. The total credit of IIE and RET spesialization is 72 credits (115.2 ECTS) and 74 credits (118.4 ECTS), respectively, including the general courses and additional activities that have to be taken for both field of spesialization.

Each subject should have a minimum of two PLO. After the students achieved 72 or 74 credits and graduated, each PLO can be graded accordingly. The students can be declared as Master graduated students if the joint grade for PLOs is more than the minimum requirements, which is 56 or C, this is based on Rector’s Decree No. 15/2018 about Academic Regulations article 15. 


To graduate from the Master’s Degree Program, students must meet the following quality standards:

  1. Students have completed at least 36 credits, including a thesis within a maximum of 8 (eight) semesters.
  2. Students have a cumulative achievement index (GPA)> 3.00 (in scale of 4.00) , without D and E scores, and a maximum C score of 20% of the required credit.
  3. Students have published their research results related to the thesis in accredited national scientific journals, or have been accepted in reputable international journals, or have been presented orally at reputable international seminars. Reputable international seminars are indexed international seminars, attended by more than 5 countries, and will be published in indexed proceedings.
  4. Students have fulfilled the English language proficiency requirements with a TEFL score of ≥ 477. The TEFL score (english profiency test results at the Centre for Languages and Cultures – CLC ITS) obtained when the entrance test at the same level can be recognized as a pass requirement.

Students of master and doctoral degree in collaboration with partner universities are declared to have passed the joint degree program if they meet the following requirements:

  1. Students have taken and passed a minimum of 50% of the total credit load required by ITS, excluding thesis / dissertation.
  2. Students have taken and been declared to have passed all required courses at partner universities through an equivalent process with the ITS curriculum system.
  3. Students have fulfilled the requirements of scientific publication and foreign language proficiency requirement.

ASIIN Accreditation





Some of the partnerships that have been established can be written as follows:


  1. Dept of Physics Jazan University, Jazan University, Saudi Arabia. (Prof. Ali A Kamli)
  2. Arai-Nishiyama Laboratory, Quantum Nanoelectronics Research Center, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  3. Department of Information and Communications Engineering, School of Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan (Prof. Takao Kobayashi)
  4. Graduate School of Science and Technology, Faculty of Advanced Science and Technology, Kumamoto University. (Prof. Tsuyoshi Usagawa)
  5. Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University, Tohuku, Japan. (Prof. Takashi Nose)
  6. Department of Applied Chemistry and Biochemistry, Kumamoto University, Field of Solar Cell
  7. Department of Physics, National Taiwan University (NTU), Taipei, RoC. (Prof Shi-Wei Chu)
  8. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (NTUST), Taipei, RoC
  9. National Tsing Hua University Department of Electrical Engineering, Hsinchu City, RoC. (Prof Shang-Hua Yang)
    Central Scientific Instruments Organization (CSIO) – CSIR, Chandigarh, India. (Dr. Ing Rajesh Kanawade)


  1. Leibniz-Institut für Photonische Technologien (IPHT), Jena, Germany (Prof. Benjamin Dietzek)
  2. Institut für Photonik und Quantenelektronik (IPQ), Karlsruhe, Germany (Prof. Christian Koos)
  3. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 University France, Field of Instrumentation and Nanotechnology
  4. Post Graduate Program Renewable Energy (PPRE), Oldenburg University (OU). (Dr Michael Golba)
  5. Acoustics Research Unit, School of Architecture, University of Liverpool, (Dr. Pyeung-Jik Lee)
  6. Department of Engineering and Technology, School of Computing and Engineering, University of Huddersfield, UK. (Prof. Andrew Ball)
  7. School of Allied Health Sciences, De Montfort University, UK (Prof Parvez Haris)


  1. Photonics and Optical Physics group, School of Physics, the University of Sydney (Dr David Marpaung)
  2. School of Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (SECTE), University of Wollongong, Australia, (Dr Ginu Rajan)


  1. The University of Northern California, Petaluma, California
  2. Center for Biomedical Engineering (CBME), University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
  3. Department of Physics, Applied Physics & Astronomy, Rensellaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), Troy, New York
  4. The McGovern Institute for Brain Research, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, USA. (Prof. Josh McDermott & Prof. Louis Braida)
  5. Universidad Quintanaa Roo – Mexico
  6. Universidad Central de las Villas, Cuba


  1. Nelson Mandela Metroplitan University (NMMU), Faculty of Science
  2. Institute Marine Science (IMS) – University Dar Er Salaam (UDSM), Zanzibar – Tanzania

Floorplan of 1st floor Dept. of Engineering Physics

Floorplan of 2nd floor Dept. of Engineering Physics



Graduate Program of Engineering Physics

(CP : Martha Hardiyah, S.Pd.)

ITS Sukolilo campus, Surabaya 60111

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