Career Path

Efforts for Indonesia!

The industrial sector is one of the important factors to sustain the economy in Indonesia. The resources owned by the Indonesian people in the industrial sector are numerous. The industrial sector will be strong if it is supported by human resources who act as innovators. An innovator has the expertise and ability to absorb knowledge in the fields of science and engineering, and apply it in industry. This is one of the considerations for the PSTF to formulate a profile of graduates, considering that the field of physical engineering provides a strong understanding of basic science and basic engineering.

Management of natural resources by the nation’s children is a form of strengthening a wisdom. In this case, it takes HR who have the ability to research and develop, design and analyze various physical systems in the industry. Therefore, PSTF graduates are expected to fulfill this need because physics engineering is a scientific discipline that has multifaced and interdisciplinary characteristics. PSTF graduates are expected to have interdisciplinary abilities and be able to quickly assimilate themselves to take advantage of the latest advances in science and nature.

The Independent Professional Profile (PPM) formulation of the PSTF based on the Indonesian National Work Competency Standards (SKKNI) is an engineer in engineering sub-fields: acoustic and vibration techniques, optical and photonic techniques, thermal engineering, material engineering, instrumentation, measurement and control techniques . More broadly, the sub-field of engineering from PPM PSTF is a system of techniques and / or other technologies that require special knowledge and / or ability to carry out integrated synthesis between basic science and engineering science

The formulation of the PSTF “Profil Profesional Mandiri” (PPM) is as follows:

  1. Engineer
  2. Researcher
  3. Top Manager
  4. Engineering Consultant
  5. Entrepreneurial Engineering

Oil and Gas Company

1.      PT Pertamina Persero 2.      Medco Natuna
3.      PT Badak NGL 4.      CNOOC SES
5.      Chevron Pacific Indonesia 6.      Chevron Indonesia Company
7.      Mobil Cepu Ltd 8.      Petronas
9.      Total E&P Indonesia 10.   Vico
11.   Halliburton 12.   Schlumberger


EPCC Company

1.      JGC Indonesia 2.      Inti Karya Persada Teknik (IKPT)
3.      Rekayasa Industri 4.      Wijaya Karya (WIKA)
5.      Tripatra 6.      Aker Solution


Telecommunication Company

1.      PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk (Telkom) 2.      PT Ericsson Indonesia
3.      PT Huawei Tech Investment 4.      PT Supra Primatama Nusantara


Manufacturing Company

1.      Holcim Indonesia 2.      Semen Baturaja Persero
3.      Indocement Tunggal Prakasa 4.      Semen Indonesia
5.      Asahimas Flat Gas 6.      Beton Jaya Manunggal Tbk
7.      Astra International Tbk 8.      Asia Pacific Fibers
9.      Supreme Cable Manufacturing and Commence Tbk 10.   Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk
11.   Gudang Garam Tbk 12.   Bentoel International Investama


Public Sector (BUM) Company 

  1. PT Kereta Api Indonesia
  2. PT Pelabuhan Indonesia
  3. PT Angkasa Pura
  4. PT Dirgantara Indonesia
  5. Garuda Indonesia
  6. PT Indonesia Power
  7. PT PLN Persero
  8. PT Pupuk Indonesia
  9. Engineer at BRI, BTN, Mandiri
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