Registration for the YBAI 2021 scholarship has been opened
1. Minimum active student in semester 2;
2. YBAI scholarships are given to underprivileged ITS students and / or students affected by the Covid-19 pandemic;
3. Giving priority to UKT 1, UKT 2, and UKT 3;
4. Prioritized recipients or have previously registered for the Bidik Misi (KIPK) scholarship;
5. Latest GPA > 3;
6. Have a bank account in their own name and still active;
> The amount of scholarships obtained for Bidik Misi (KIPK) is IDR 6,000,000 / year
> The number of scholarships obtained for Non-Bidik Misi (KIPK) is IDR 12,000,000 / year
Registration can be done via a maximum of 18 May 2021
* Files and data required: KTP, KTM, recent photo, home address, link to home location via google maps, transcripts of value, mobile number (whatsapp contact), and letter of dismissal.
For more information regarding scholarships, please contact the ITS scholarship service section
WA Chat / SMS
1. Suyadi; 081335119599
2. A. Baihaqi; 085732443555
3. M. Djaohar; 087882069777