Participating in competition in the Boreyes International Energy Fair 2021, 5 ITS Geophysical Engineering students managed to make achievements.
M. Amroedhia Dzulfiqar Erran, student of class 2019, along with teammates from other departments successfully won the Champion of Oil Rig Design Competition.
Apart from Amroedhia, in this Oil Rig Design Competition M. Ilhan Baihaqi, a student of class 2020, managed to achieve the 2nd Runner Up position as well as being the Favorite Winner. Ilhan’s team consists of students who also come from various departments at ITS.
Meanwhile, M. Reyhan Nabiha, Alwan M. Rasyid, and Haikal Rahman won the 2nd Runner Up title in the Smart Competition. These 3 students of 2019 batch carries the team name “Geominerba” in this virtual international competition.
Boreyes International Energy Fair 2021 is a big event organized by SPE Unpad Student Chapter. Apart from competition, the annual event also holds a Grand Webinar Series which invites oil and gas experts as speaker.
#Prestasi #Boreyes2021 #GeophysicalEngineeringITS #TeknikGeofisikaITS #FakultasTeknikSipilPerencanaanDanKebumianITS #FacultyofCivilPlanningAndGeoEngineeringITS #InstitutTeknologiSepuluhNopember #ITS
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Webinar Refleksi dan Resolusi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana bersama Keynote Speaker: Dr. Raditya Jati , S.Si.,
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