

Wed, 15 Feb 2023
7:56 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Most tourist areas in Indonesia are located in disaster-prone areas, for example active volcanic tourism areas prone to volcanic eruptions, tourist areas on the west coast of Sumatra, south of Java-Bali-NTT and around Sulawesi – Halmera are tsunami-prone areas. For example, Anyer beach which was affected by the tsunami on December 22 2018 yesterday is an area and most of the victims of the disaster came from tourists who were spending the long Christmas holidays in the area.

The relationship between high disaster potential and large tourism potential is no coincidence because tectonic and volcanic processes form a beautiful and comfortable beach for relaxing in the area. For this reason, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy/Tourism and Creative Economy Agency (Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf) is no longer focused on chasing tourist visit numbers, but is more focused on efforts to encourage sustainable tourism or sustainable tourism in Indonesia. Sustainable tourism is the development of a travel concept that can have a long-term impact. Both for the environment, social, culture, and economy for the present and the future for all local people and visiting tourists.

Kemanparekaf is guided by four main pillars in building sustainable tourist destinations in Indonesia, including: sustainable management (tourism business), long-term sustainable economy (socio-economy), cultural sustainability (sustainable culture) which must always be developed and maintained, and environmental aspects ( environmental sustainability). It is hoped that the trend of sustainable tourism will become a tourist activity that is of great interest to tourists. Not just having a vacation, every tourist also pays attention to travel protocols related to health, safety, comfort, and natural preservation.

In line with ITS Mission to contribute in science and technology for the welfare of society through education, research, community service and management activities based on information and communication technology. We, the Department of Geophysics Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Planning and Earth (FTSPK), Surabaya Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology, will be holding a Guest Lecture with the topic “SUSTAINABLE TOURISM TRENDS 2022 AND OUTLOOK 2023”

The aim is to provide insight into current tourism development trends and in the following years. It is hoped that all parties, especially ITS, can actively participate in the planning and growth of tourism in Indonesia.

We invite interviewees who are competent on tourism in Indonesia:

  1. Fadjar Hutomo, ST, MMT, CFP.
    Staf Ahli Menteri Pariwisata & Ekonomi Kreatif bidang Manajemen Krisis Kemenparekraf dan Dewan Pakar PP IKA ITS
  2. Abdilah Baraas, S.T.
    Ketua Geopark Ijen dan Wakil Ketua I Jaringan Geopark Indonesia

This guest lecture will be held online on:


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