
Transfer Knowledge: Geothermal Goes To Campus 2021

Tue, 06 Apr 2021
4:01 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Direktorat Jenderal Energi Baru, Terbarukan, dan Konservasi Energi and Faculty of Civil  Planning and Geo Engineering ITS presents:

”Transfer Knowledge: Geothermal Goes To Campus 2021”

with keynote speakers:

  • Harris Yahya, S.T., M.T. (Director of Panas Bumi Ditjen EBTKE)
  • Dr. Ir. Murni Rachmawati, M.T (Head of Faculty of Civil, Planning and Geo Engineering ITS)

Session I “Pengembangan Panas Bumi di Indonesia: Regulasi, Kondisi, dan Tantangannya” :

  • Speaker: Sahat Simangunsong, M.T. (Head of Subdit Investasi dan Kerjasama Panas Bumi)
  • Moderator: Wien Lestari, M.T. (Secretary of Geophysical Engineering ITS)

Session II “Eksplorasi Gravity dalam Pemodelan Geothermal : Lithology, Fault, Instrusion Estimation”:

  • Speaker: Riki Irfan, M.Si. (Subsurface Manager PT Medco Cahaya Geothermal)
  • Moderator: Anik Hilyah, M.T. (Lecturer of Geophysical Engineering ITS)

the event will be held on:

  • Thursday, 8 April 2021
  • Time: Session I (09.15-11.00); Session II (12.45-14.30)




#Geophysical Engineering ITS

#Teknik Geofisika ITS

#Fakultas Teknik Sipil Perencanaan dan Kebumian ITS

#Faculty of Civil, Planning and Geo Engineering ITS

#Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

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