
Yuk Gabung di Petrophysics Training: Petrophysics for Geophysics

Tue, 08 Mar 2022
9:25 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

For those of you who are curious about the application of Petrophysics in the industry in the field of Geophysics, ITS Geophysics Engineering provides a class “Petrophysics Training: Petrophysics for Geophysics” which will be delivered directly by experts from industry practitioners.

The experts who are members of Tecrube and will be the resource persons in this training are:

  • Yana Hendrayana, S.Si (Senior Petrophysicist)
  • Miftahul Firdaus, S.T., M.Si., M.T. (Senior Petrophysicist)

  • Budi Rahim Permana, S.T., M.T., M.Si., M.M. (Senior Geologist)

Not only will you get knowledge and insight from the experts, but here you will also get an e-certificate!  So when will it be held? Take a note for this schedule:

  • Day/Date: Friday, 18-20 March 2022
  • Time: 09.00-end WIB
  • Plastform: Zoom

So, for those of you who want to join, register yourself immediately via and transfer the registration fee which is only Rp. 20,000. Transfer fees can be directed to the following accounts:

  • Bank Mandiri: 14 000 2028 3413 A.n. Regina Nabilah
  • Gopay: 0812 1071 3238 a.n. Regina Nabilah

But for you ITS Geophysical Engineering students, you only need to register, free of charge.

If you have any questions, you can ask this contact person:

Rijkaard (0813 8425 3204), Ulfa (0896 8693 2762), Hauzan (0812 348 65832)

See you at the event!




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