
ITS Geophysical Engineering Opens Opportunities for Partnership in the 2022 HAGI Annual Scientific Meeting

Fri, 14 Oct 2022
8:27 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Held for 3 days, the 2022 HAGI Annual Scientific Meeting invites various universities and industries to participate. ITS Geophysics Engineering is one of the institutions invited to the meeting which was held at the Harris Hotel Malang.

Booth of ITS Geophysical Engineering in 47th PIT HAGI 2022

In this event, ITS Geophysical Engineering featured various national and international programs that were opened, as well as ongoing research and collaboration. Through this event organized by the Association of Indonesian Geophysicists, ITS Geophysics Engineering also opens opportunities for collaboration with universities and industry to collaborate in the field of geophysics..

Dr. Amien Widodo with students and alumni of ITS Geophysical Engineering in 47th PIT HAGI 2022

Ir. M. Haris Miftakhul Fajar, M.Eng, the lecturer in charge of the ITS Geophysical Engineering booth, expressed his gratitude to HAGI for providing the opportunity for ITS Geophysical Engineering to play a role in this activity, where there were more than 100 academics and geophysics practitioners who had visited the booth. ITS Geophysical Engineering, as well as the collaboration opportunities that have been presented during the event, hopefully it can continue and run well.


ITS Geophysical Engineering team consist of Dr Dwa Desa Warnana, Wien Lestari, M.T., and M. Haris Miftakhul Fajar, M.Eng took a photo with visitors of 47th PIT HAGI 2022

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