

Brief History

The opening of the Department of Geophysical Engineering began with an ITS Senate meeting in 2006, which gave birth to the Chancellor’s Decree Number 2858/KO3/PP/2006 concerning the establishment of the Geophysics Study Program in the Physics Department, FMIPA ITS. Students of the Geophysics Study Program are new students of the Physics Department and since the beginning have used the Geophysics Study Program curriculum which is independent from the curriculum of the Physics Department of FMIPA.

On July 6 2012, based on the Decree of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 234/E/O/2012, the Department of Geophysical Engineering was established under the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning. Regarding the status of ITS, which was originally PTN-BLU (State College of Public Service Agency) to PTN-BH (State University with Legal Entity), so that currently it is better known as the Department of Geophysical Engineering (DTG), which is under the Faculty of Environmental and Geo Civil Engineering (FT-SLK). In 2018, DTG succeeded in obtaining Accreditation A from BAN-PT for the period June 6 2018 – June 6 2023 based on National Accreditation Agency Decree No. 1507/SK/BAN-PT/Akred/S/VI/2018 dated 6 June 2018.
Starting in 2020, based on Chancellor Regulation No. 25 of 2019 concerning the Organization and Working Procedures of Faculties within the November 10th Institute of Technology, Department of Geophysical Engineering (DTG), is under the Faculty of Civil, Planning and Geo Engineering (FT-SPK). On March 18, 2021, DTG received accreditation from the INDONESIAN ACCREDITATION BOARD FOR ENGINEERING ECUATION (IABEE) which is valid until March 31, 2024. In accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 of 2020 concerning Accreditation of Study Programs and Higher Education, Accreditation results by international accreditation bodies are equivalent to the Superior Accreditation rating and determined by BAN-PT, so on May 5, 2021 DTG received SUPERIOR accreditation recognition for the period May 5, 2021 – March 31, 2024 based on BAN-PT Decree No. 2717/SK/BAN-PT/Akred-Itnl/S/V/202.

Currently, the Department of Geophysical Engineering (DTG) is collaborating in the field of Education and Research with various overseas universities that are on the QS100 by subject list, in addition to various collaborations with government and private agencies in Indonesia. The areas of research he is involved in are petrophysics (fossil energy and geothermal), mineral and groundwater exploration as well as environment and geotechnical. In 2019, DTG opened an international class program called the International Undergraduate Program (IUP) in which the Double Degree (DD) program is offered with foreign university partners. The foreign university partners in question are: Curtin University (Australia), Univerisiti Sains Malaysia (USM) and Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) Malaysia.

The Geophysical Engineering Department (DTG) continues to strive to produce professional staff with high employability characteristics to enter the labor market both at the national and international levels regarding issues of earth exploration and exploitation, based on mastery of earth science and technology by prioritizing professional ethics and sustainable principles. The Geophysics Engineering Department (DTG) also actively enhances the role of lecturers and students in solving earthly exploration and exploitation problems through the provision of training, consulting services, planning, application of technological innovations, and laboratory services. Apart from that, DTG lecturers and students are also active in HAGI (Indonesian Association of Geophysicists), SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists), SPE (Society of Petroleum Engineers), IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association) organizations, AAPG (American Association of Petroleum Geologists, HMTG (Geophysics Engineering Student Association), and HMGI (Indonesian Geophysics Student Association).To achieve the vision and mission of the Department, good corporate governance is also implemented.

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