
Webinar Penurunan Tanah Kabupaten Sidoarjo

Penurunan tanah bisa terjadi oleh banyak sebab, antara lain karena tektonik, karena sesar aktif,

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Webinar #58 Banjir ROB dan Penurunan Muka Tanah

Beberapa hari ini terjadi banjir ROB di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia dan yang menjadi

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Batas Pendaftaran Batch 2 Program S1 Internasional Teknik Geofisika ITS

  Dengan berkuliah dalam program S1 Internasional atau International Undergraduate Program (IUP) anda berkesempatan

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International Guest Lecture “Introduction to GIS and Models” by Engr. Alfa May Joy D. Tabor

ITS Geophysical Engineering will have a guest lecture with the topic “Introduction to GIS

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International Guest Lecture “Core Analysis for Geophysics Engineer” by Muhammad Nur Ali Akbar, S.T., M.Sc.

ITS Geophysical Engineering will have a guest lecture with the topic “Core Analysis for

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Peringatan Hari Bumi 22 April 2022: Earth Day Festival

Memperingati HARI BUMI INTERNASIONAL, 22 APRIL 2022, Teknik Geofisika ITS mengajak Dosen, Tendik, Mahasiswa

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Guest Lecture “Characteristics of Map an Classification” by Jan Michael Vincent L. Cruz

Geophysical Engineering ITS will conduct a guest lecture with the topic “Characteristics of Map

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Webinar Sambil Ngabuburit: IKN-ATLANTIS-P.BAWEAN

IKN Nusantara terletak di titik tengah Indonesia sehingga semua warga negara mendapatkan kesamaan jarak

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Kuliah Tamu “Marine Survey for Submarine Cable/Pipeline Route oleh Ir. Riza Rahardiawan M.Sc

Teknik Geofisika ITS akan menggelar Kuliah Tamu dengan topik “Marine Survey for Submarine Cable/Pipeline

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