Guest Lecture “Aplikasi Metoda Elektromagnetik dalam Eksplorasi Panas Bumi” Inviting Riki Irfan, S.T., M.Si.

ITS Geophysical Engineering presents guest lecture with the topic “Aplikasi Metoda Elektromagnetik dalam Eksplorasi

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Guest Lecture “Ijen Geopark : The First UNESCO Global Geopark in East Java” Inviting Abdilah Baraas, S.T.

The long journey of the Ijen Geopark towards the UNESCO global geopark has been

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Webinar #65 “Manajemen Resiko Longsor”

BNPB called landslides the deadliest disaster in Indonesia. Landslide disasters were recorded in 2019

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Good Luck for Middle Exam of Even Semester 2022/2023

From Tuesday 28 March 2023 to Wednesday 29 March 2023 ITS Geophysical Engineering will

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Guest Lecture “Mengulik Platform Kebencanaan INARISK” oleh Dr. Ir. Udrekh, S.E., M.Sc.

Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana(BNPB) launched inaRISK, an internet-based portal application to identify disaster risks

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Launching Rekrutmen Bersama SKK Migas dan KKKS 2023

SKK Migas, an institution established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for

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Guest Lecture “Eksplorasi Logam Tanah Jarang” Inviting Badan Geologi KESDM

Rare earth metals (LTJ) are used in a wide range of consumer products from

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Perusahaan Besar Bakal Melakukan Open Recruitment Dalam Bursa Karir ITS Maret 2023

The 40th ITS Bursa Karir, Comes Again Offline! Hello Sobat Kampus! Have you ever

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Guest Lecture “Indonesia dan Kebencaan Geologi” Inviting Awang Satyana

Indonesia and Geological Disaster The Indonesian people live in an active tectonic plate confluence

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