Guest Lecture “Eksplorasi dan Proses Bisnis Penambangan Batu Bara” by Aryoseno, S.T., M.MT., CPI.

Geophysical Engineering ITS will have a guest lecture with the topic  Eksplorasi dan Proses

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Webinar “Minyak dan Gas Bumi Sebagai Sumber Daya Alam Energi” with Budi R. Permana, B.Sc., Master MEDEA, M.Si., M.T.

Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with MGMP Geografi Jawa Timur has held a Webinar

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Guest Lecture Mitigasi Land Subsidence oleh Tulus Pramudyo, S.T.

Geophysical Engineering ITS will have a guest lecture with the topic  “Mitigasi Land Subsidence”,

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Guest Lecture “Metode Pemetaan Gerakan Tanah / Tanah Longsor” by Dr Sumaryono from PVMBG

Teknik Geofisika ITS akan menggelar Kuliah Tamu dengan topik “Metode Pemetaan Gerakan Tanah /

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Welcome For Accepted Students Via SNMPTN 2022

ITS Geophysical Engineering congratulates prospective students from the SNMPTN 2022 who have been accepted

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Open Recruitment for Experienced Talent by Pertamina Group

PT Pertamina opens opportunity to experienced talents to join Pertamina Group. The registration opened

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Guest Lecture “Potensi Cadangan Mineral Strategis Kelautan di Perairan Pulau Bintan dan Sekitarnya” by Agus Setyanto, S.T.,M.Eng

Geophysical Engineering ITS will conduct a guest lecture with the topic of “Potensi Cadangan

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Guest Lecture “Asesmen Warisan Geologi dan Implementasinya untuk Geowisata dan Geopark” by Dr Asep Kurnia Permana S.T., M.Sc.

Geophysical Engineering ITS will conduct a guest lecture with the topic of “Asesmen Warisan

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Guest Lecture “Citra Inderaja untuk Menunjang Pemetaan Karakteristik Kawasan Pesisir Pantai” by Sonny Mawardi, S.T., M.T.

ITS Geophysical Engineering will conduct a guest lecture with the topic of “Citra Inderaja

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Webinar #54 “Pendidikan Geomorfologi untuk Persiapan KSN 2022”

  Geophysical Engineering ITS in collaboration with MGMP Geografi Jawa Timur has held a

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