Sosialisasi Target ITS dalam WCU oleh Teknik Geofisika ITS

World Class University (WCU), sistem perangkingan universitas internasional, menjadi tempat bersaingnya berbagai universitas di

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Workshop “Penilaian Case Base Method dan Persiapan Kurikulum 2023” by Faculty of Civplan ITS

Faculty of CIVPLAN ITS will conduct a webinar: Workshop “Penilaian Case Base Method dan

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International Program Provided by ITS Geophysical Engineering

 1. INTERNATIONAL E-INTERNSHIP PROGRAM     ITS Geophysical Engineering offer international program which will

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Webinar #53 World Water Day

Happy World Water Day March 22, 2022 SAVE GROUNDWATER Groundwater is water found in

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Webinar #52 “Pendidikan Geologi Struktur: Studi Kasus Struktur Geologi Jatim”

The rocks and minerals that make up the Earth’s crust, which humans need as

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Guest Lecture “Aplikasi Studi Geologi Laut Dalam dan Wilayah Pesisir” by Ir Purnomo Raharjo MT

Geophysical Engineering ITS presents a guest lecture with the topic “Aplikasi Studi Geologi Laut

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Congratulation of The Inauguration of 3 ITS Professor

In this year of 2022, Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) has 3 new professors

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Guest Lecture “Teknologi Broadband Seismik (Marine)” by Subarsyah, S.Si, M.T from PPPGL

Geophysical Engineering ITS presents a guest lecture with topic “Teknologi Broadband Seismik (Marine)”, inviting

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International Guest Lecture “Marine Seismic Exploration” by Dr. Yasir Bashir

ITS Geophysical Engineering will have an international guest lecture with the topic “Marine Seismic

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