Competition of Essay and Poster in Forum Ilmiah Mahasiswa Festival by Universitas Muria Kudus

The Festival Student Scientific Forum (FIMA FEST) 2021 is a national level competition organized

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Guest Lecture Company Work Experience in Indonesia-Geothermal Drilling by Febry Rokhman Firdaus

ITS Geophysical Engineering invites not only the participant of Commtech 2021, but also students

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Apprenticeship Program by Petronas Indonesia

Petronas Indonesia opens opportunities for the nation’s best talents to join the Apprenticeship Program

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ITS Invites Alumni to Support Campus Towards Top 500 World Ranking University

Sir & Madam alumni of ITS around the world, We report the progress of

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Memperingati Hari Pramuka ke-60 “Berbakti Tanpa Henti”

14 Agustus merupakan hari yang diperingati sebagai Hari Pramuka Nasional. Di tahun 2021 ini,

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Open Recruitment Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited: Jr. Analyst Commercial

Husky-CNOOC Madura Limited, which is one of the Cooperation Contract Contractors (KKKS) from SKK

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Civitas of ITS Geophysical Engineering Wishes Happy Hijriyah New Year 1443 H

  Thank God we are still allowed to meet the new year, 1443 H.

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Georama Open Recruitment

Georama Karya Indonesia opens opportunities for the best talents to join as Marine Engineer.

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