
Selamat kepada Dicky dan Kafa Menjadi Mahasiswa Terpilih untuk International Internship di University of Tokyo

2 mahasiswa Teknik Geofisika ITS berhasil mendapatkan kesempatan untuk merasakan eksposur internasional ke Jepang.

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Majapahit Civilization Exploration Nusantara Module, ITS Independent Student Exchange Program for Odd Semester 2022/2023

Modul Nusantara Ekplorasi Peradaban Majapahit Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) II Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember

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Guest Lecture by Dr Nur Aini Fauziyah, S.Pd. M.Si. from UPN Veteran Jawa Timur

To enrich the study courses, Geophysical Engineering ITS presents a guest lecture with the

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Congratulations to Zahrotuts Tsaniyah and Thoharinnisa Pambayun For Passing the Exchange Program Selection at TAU Philippines

2 ITS Geophysical Engineering students managed to get the opportunity to undergo lectures at

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Webinar Geologi dan Tektonik Teluk Tomini dan Implikasinya terhadap Kebencanaan Geologi

Tomini Bay or also known as the Gorontalo Basin, Sulawesi is the deepest and

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Support ITS Goes To TOP 500 World Class University, Teknik Geofisika ITS Himpun Dukungan Alumni

This year, the ITS Chancellor set a target for ITS to become the Top

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Discussing Cooperation in Education, Direktorat Panas Bumi Visited ITS Geophysical Engineering

ITS Geophysical Engineering received a visit from the Geothermal Directorate, Ministry of Energy and

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Congratulations for Ester Hotmaria and Rizka Ayuni Triananda To Be Selected Student in Global Project Based Program

An international involvement has been performed by students of ITS Geophysical Engineering in a

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Important Dates for ITS New Students of 2022

Hello ITS Students! Congratulations to the new students who were successfully accepted at the

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