A number of areas in East Java are currently experiencing severe drought. the rivers
Pentingnya mengelola resiko bencana mulai dari tingkat komunitas hingga pengelola geopark sehingga tercipta kawasan
The Modul Nusantara is a series of activities focused on creating a comprehensive understanding
For study enrichment, ITS Geophysical Engineering provides a webinar with topic : “ENERGI ASEAN
For study enrichment, ITS Geophysical Engineering provides a guest lecture with topic : “PLATFORM
For study enrichment, ITS Geophysical Engineering provides a guest lecture with topic : “PEMILIHAN
We are pleased to announce that the IPA Convex 2022 opens today, Wednesday 21
Congratulation for Fidela Lathifah Elviana, being selected student to be involved in international
The Indonesian people live in areas of active plate collision and in tropical climates.
To enrich the courses, ITS Geophysical Engineering presents a guest lecture with the topic:
Bank BPR Jatim – Bank UMKM Jatim membuka peluang kepada talenta terbaik untuk bergabung
Hey ITS students, here is new info for you scholarship hunter ! Opening Registration
The 40th ITS Bursa Karir, Comes Again Offline! Hello Sobat Kampus! Have you ever
PT Freeport Indonesia, salah satu perusahaan tambang terkemuka di dunia yang melakukan eksplorasi, menambang,
SKK Migas, an institution established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia for