An international involvement has been performed by students of ITS Geophysical Engineering in a
Hello ITS Students! Congratulations to the new students who were successfully accepted at the
An international achievement has been achieved by an ITS Geophysical Engineering student, Thoharinnisa Pambayun,
Kuliah tamu Teknik Geofisika ITS kali ini membawa kan tema “Geomechanic”,
*Belajar Dari Gempa Sulawesi Barat* 8 Juni 2022 terjadi gempa M 5.9 di lepas
Land Subsidence Damage and Losses in Sidoarjo Regency The viral flood incident in Banjarasri
Museum Goes To Campus There are many ways and efforts to increase museum visits,
Muhammad Zayem Ghifari Rizal (Zayem), and Muhammad Ilhan Baihaqi (Ilhan), made achievements in international
Hello high school students throughout Indonesia ! There
Penurunan tanah bisa terjadi oleh banyak sebab, antara lain karena tektonik, karena sesar aktif,
PT Pertamina opens opportunity to experienced talents to join Pertamina Group. The registration opened
ITS Geophysical Engineering will have a guest lecture with the topic “Aspek Geologi dan
Bank BTN opens opportunities for the best talents to jointly contribute to the country
PT Bukit Asam, salah satu perusahaan BUMN yang bergerak di bidang pertambangan batu bara.
Scholarship Fellowship Program by Mr. Charles A. Caughey, who is better known as Mr.