ITS Geophysical Engineering invites not only the participant of Commtech 2021, but also students
Sir & Madam alumni of ITS around the world, We report the progress of
On Friday, August 13, 2021, ITS Geophysical Engineering held the “Virtual Traveling” Wonderful Bromo
14 Agustus merupakan hari yang diperingati sebagai Hari Pramuka Nasional. Di tahun 2021 ini,
Thank God we are still allowed to meet the new year, 1443 H.
Nature of Indonesia as a beautiful and rich gift of God has various kinds
Congratulations to students from various universities in Indonesia who have been accepted in program
The relics of the Majapahit Kingdom that have been found so far have
Lecturer and also researcher of Geophysical Engineering ITS, Juan Pandu Gya Nur Rochman, MT,
PT Pertamina (Persero) open opportunities for the nation’s best talents to join “Open Recruitment-Experienced
Established in the middle of 2016, RDA Teknologi Indonesia (RoadsHill) has succeeded expanding its
PT RDA Teknologi Indonesia (RoadsHill), companies engaged in the field of Petroleum, Geology and Geophysics
Registration for the ADARO Scholarship 2021/2022 has been opened. Please register via the following
Dalam rangka turut mencerdaskan anak bangsa, BRI akan melaksanakan CSR atau Bina Lingkungan