Here is the document of Surat Edaran Rektor ITS which states on July 8,
We thank the participants who have participated in enlivening the 9th Anniversary of ITS
Dalam rangka memperingati 9th Dies Natalis nya, Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan webinar daring: Lokakarya
In the celebration of 9th Dies Natalis, Geophysical Engineering ITS open the opportunity for
This weekly agenda of Geophysical Engineering ITS will be held in the first week
For you PTN fighters, the opportunity to study at ITS is still wide open,
In its 9th Anniversary event series, ITS Geophysics Engineering invites the public to maintain
9 th Dies Natalis of Geophysical Engineering ITS has been officially launched on Monday,
ITS Geophysical Engineering will celebrate 9th Dies Natalis with a series of interesting events
UK – Indonesia Consortium for Interdisciplinary Sciences presents a student information session for Internship
Buat kalian mahasiswa baru jalur SBMPTN 2022, Pemerintah Kota Surabaya membuka program “Beasiswa Pemuda
PT. Toyota Astra Financial Services (TAF) is a joint venture between Toyota Financial Services
PT Pertamina (Persero) open opportunities for the nation’s best talents to join “Open Recruitment-Experienced
Beasiswa YBAI is a scholarship program specifically for ITS students who have financial difficulties
The wait is finally over, BSI Scholarship Inspirasi is launched! Siapa nih yang udah