
Webinar Overpressured Sedimentary Basin From Academic Prespective, Dr Amien Widodo as Speaker

ISPG presents: Webinar Overpressured Sedimentary Basin From Academic Prespective As Speakers: Dr. Amien Widodo

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Congratulation for M. Archie Antareza for The Best Poster Presentation in PIT HAGI 2020

PIT (Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan) HAGI  is an annual event  to connect geoscience enthusiasts and share ideas about the contribution of

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Kompetisi Mahasiswa Nasional 2020 – Poster dan Scientific Paper

* Topic of Paper Poster: Pembinaan Prestasi Olahraga di Indonesia Scientific Paper: Membangun Olahraga

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Call For Paper Pusat Studi Jawa Timur “Penguatan Jawa Timur Berbasis Nasionalisme, Social Budaya dan Pemerintah

* Topic of Paper: Penguatan Nasionalisme di Jawa Timur berbasis multikultural Harmoni Sosial Budaya

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Webinar Introduction to Exploration Geology and Petroleum System

Geophysical Engineering ITS & Tecrube Discussion Group presents: Web Seminar ” Introduction to Exploration

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Online Seminar by Geophysical Engineering ITS: “High Sulphidation Geology di Tujuh Bukit”

Geophysical Engineering ITS presents: Online Seminar “High Sulphidation Geology di Tujuh Bukit” with the

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Students from Philippines Experiencing Internship Program in Geophysical Engineering ITS

In this fall semester of 2020/2021, some Philippines students are experiencing E-Internship Program at

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Congratulation for Rintan Widhi Hapsari, Scholarship Grantee of Bakti BCA 2020-2021

The Bakti BCA Scholarship is aimed at outstanding undergraduate (S1) students where BCA also

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Geoscience Atmosphere 2020 – Kompetisi Artikel Ilmiah & Poster Ilmiah

GEOSPHERE 2020 mempersembahkan: 1. KOMPETISI POSTER ILMIAH * Tema: “Optimalisasi Pemanfaatan Earth Science untuk

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