Geophysical Grand Project is one of the HMGI Region 3 events with the theme “Leading Technology Development and Innovation for Society with Geoscience Elaboration”. All competition activities in the event are aimed at all students who have an interest in the field of earth, consist of:
Register yourself here:
Registration is open until 30 December 2020
For more information, you can read the following TOR:
Download here
Posisi geografi Indonesia berada di kawasan tumbukan lempeng yang aktif dan di kawasan iklim tropis. Artinya masyarakat Indonesia bermukim
Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Webinar Refleksi dan Resolusi Pengurangan Risiko Bencana bersama Keynote Speaker: Dr. Raditya Jati , S.Si.,
Penurunan tanah merupakan suatu proses menurunnya tanah pada suatu kawasan yang cukup luas yang bisa terjadi secara alami karena