2 ITS Geophysical Engineering students became champions in student competitions throughout Asia Pasific. Ihsan Fermantono and Rijkaard Elyandrie, class 2020 students, achieved the 1st place in the “Society of Exploration Geophysicist (SEG) Challenge Bowl 2022”. Joined by the team name “Blitz Team” Ihsan and Rijkaard beat other participants consisting of students who are members of the SEG Student Chapter throughout Asia Pacific.
The SEG Challenge Bowl is an annual international competition in a quiz-show format that demands the breadth and depth of students’ knowledge of the geosciences field. This year, the SEG Challenge Bowl was organized by the SEG Student Chapter of UGM and ITB.
Musim hujan datang, selalu ada bencana banjir di berbagai provinsi di Indonesia. Sebagian besar media memberitakan kejadian banjir dimana
Departemen Teknik Geofisika ITS menyelenggarakan Webinar dengan topik “PEMETAAN BENCANA” mengundang para pakar: Opening Speech : Dr. Farida Rachmawati,
Perusahaan eksplorasi dan produksi minyak dan gas dapat menjaga margin keuntungan yang stabil dengan memanfaatkan data real-time dalam pemantauan