Geophysical Engineering Department ITS held a Guest Lecture entitled Understanding the Disaster Threats of Geology and Climate Change through Geological and Microfossil Data on Wednesday (December 19th 2018), in the Main Session Room of the ITS Rectorate. This guest lecture invited a Deep Sea Researcher from the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), Septriono Hari Nugroho, M.Sc as a speaker. Hari has been a reviewer several times in several domestic and international journals.
Hari revealed, based on BNPB data (2018) the proportion of national disasters from 2007 – 2018 was dominated by tornadoes (28%), floods (26%), landslides (23%). In order to prepare disaster mitigation, any researches needed to be encouraged, because disasters cannot be eliminated but we can reduce their risks. Paleoclimate and Paleotsunami is one of the studies that can be done, with microfossils as the object of research.
In this guest lecture, delivered in detail by Hari about how the methods carried out, what tools and materials needed in the Paleoclimate and Paleotsunami research. The results of the paleotsunami study were also carried out, such as the discovery of paleotsunami deposits in the South of Bali, estimated to be 450 – 850 years old (Putra et al, 2017). Then it was also found in Yogyakarta which was estimated to be 300 years old (Yulianto, et al).
Posisi geografi Indonesia berada di kawasan tumbukan lempeng yang aktif dan di kawasan iklim tropis. Artinya masyarakat Indonesia bermukim
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Penurunan tanah merupakan suatu proses menurunnya tanah pada suatu kawasan yang cukup luas yang bisa terjadi secara alami karena