Per 1 August 2022, ITS Geophysical Engineering has the Adjunct Professor from Universiti Sains Malaysia. Dr. Lim Hwee San, the associate professor from School of physics, Department of Geophysics, USM, has been agreed to be one of Adjunct Professors in ITS for 1 years.
Dr Lim Hwee San became a lecturer at Unversiti Sains Malaysia (USM) after obtaining a PhD degree at USM in 2006. He obtained BSc at USM in Geophysics in 2001 then he continued MSc and PhD degrees in environmental. remote sensing at USM in 2003 and 2006, respectively.His research interests lie generally in the field of optical remote sensing (both passive and active) and digital image processing, particularly as they apply to spectral image data. In both cases, the primary applications are water quality monitoring, air quality monitoring, land cover/change detection, land surface properties, and digital images classification. He is also interested in modelling optical properties of atmospheric aerosols. His current focus is on the applications of ground-based LIDAR and satellite-based LIDAR (e.g., CALIPSO, AIRS) data for air pollution and greenhouse effects.
Adjunct professors are defined as professors who are hired on a contractual basis. Adjunct professors at ITS may choose one of two types : teaching-based or research/publication-based commitment.
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