
“Earth”, Theme of TikTok and Photography Competition Provided By ITS Geophysical Engineering in Celebrating 11th Dies Natalis

Fri, 28 Apr 2023
8:57 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

On July 6 2012, Geophysics Engineering was officially established as a department at the Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology (ITS) and in 2023 it celebrates its 11th anniversary. Various events were held in the context of celebrating the 11th Anniversary, including a Vlog/Tik Tok Contest and a Photography Contest.

Come on, join the fun by participating in the Vlog/Tik Tok contest and the Photography Contest, see the following conditions:


 1. Vlog/Tiktok

By carrying out the Earth theme, it aims to educate people about the earth, about the importance of preserving the earth, introducing the potential of natural resources, etc.


>> Terms and Condition:

a. Video theme “The Earth”, with subtopic:

  1. Natural resource potential,
  2. Disaster,
  3. Geotourism,
  4. Renewable Energy,
  5. Industry dll

b. Video works are made individually and use the TikTok application.

c. Video works are a minimum of 15 seconds and a maximum of 60 seconds.

d. Participants must upload content through the participant’s personal TikTok account using hashtags #TeknikGeofisikaITS #ITSSurabaya #DiesNatalisDTG

e. Content that has been uploaded to the TikTok account is shared via social media Instagram, with hashtags #TeknikGeofisikaITS #ITSSurabaya #DiesnatalisDTG and mention Instagram account  (@Teknik_Geofisika_ITS, @HMTG_ITS) and tag 4 your friend accounts.

f.  Account of TikTok and Instagram should not be locked (Private account is forbidden).

g. Follow social media account of @Teknik_Geofisika_ITS, @HMTG_ITS

h. This competition is open during 16 April – 16 May 2023

i. Open for public



2. Photography Competition

Taking the theme of Earth Day April 22 2023 with the aim of spreading the spirit of preserving the earth through visual messages to the public.

>> Terms and Condition:

a. Open for public

b. Photos can be taken with any type of HD camera (DSLR, pocket, mirrorless, cellphone, etc.), and have sufficient lighting levels.

c. Digital editing is allowed without changing the authenticity of the object and/or removing/changing the elements in the photo.

d. Participants are free to send a maximum of 2 photos, but are not allowed to send photos that are a combination of more than one photo (composite/montage).

e. Photos sent are photos that have never been included in a photography competition, are personal original work, and participants must be fully responsible for the work submitted.

f. The photos sent are the property of the committee and can be freely used in the framework of activities by ITS Geophysical Engineering while still giving the photographer the copyright.

g. Photos sent in JPEG/JPG format via email with the subject: “Lomba Foto Dies Natalis DTG 11”.

h. The committee and the jury are not responsible for anything regarding the photos sent if there is a claim for ownership/copyright of the photos sent and other things that cause losses with value or without value for participants or other parties.

i. The committee has the right to disqualify participant photos before and after judging if they are deemed not to meet the requirements.

j. Participants are deemed to have agreed to all the terms set out for the submitted photo work.

k. The assesment criteria are:

  1. The alignment and depth of the photo visualization of the theme elements;
  2. The amount of potential affection for others that can be evoked by photos (inspiring);
  3. Photo composition;
  4. Taking angles, moments, lighting; and
  5. Creativity

l. This competition is open during: 16 April – 6 Mei 2023



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