SKK Migas with PTT Exploration and Production has just delivered a guest lecture with the following theme ‘Exploring Eastern Indonesia: Road to Campus’ on Wednesday, November 28th, 2018 at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya. This guest lecture started from 09.00 until 15.00, with Mr. Bani Tiofan Tampubolon from SKK MIGAS, Mr. Indra Gunawan from the Institut Teknologi Bandung, Mr. Muhammad Fikri Shahab from PTT Exploration and Production, and Ms. Indira Asteriana from the HR MIGAS Communityas the speakers. The event began officially with remarks from the Head of the Department of Geophysical Engineering ITS, Dr. Widya Utama, DEA.
The first material was entitled The Memoir “Petroleum System of the Eastern Indonesia Region” which was delivered by Mr. Bani Tiofan Tampubolon from SKK MIGAS. In this first material he explained that Indonesia with its diverse geological structure has many sedimentary basins. But so far, new hydrocarbon exploration and exploitation has been developed in Western Indonesia only. If we look at neighboring countries, namely Papua New Guinea which is near with Papua province, the exploration process is already more advanced. It can be seen from the data comparison between the number of oil and gas drilling wells and oil barrels that have been carried out. So that with similar tectonic settings, the Eastern Indonesia region, especially Papua, should be explored further as in Papua New Guinea.
The next material was delivered by Indra Gunawan from the Institut Teknologi Bandung. He delivered material on Indonesian tectonism in general as well as comparisons between tectonic settings in Western Indonesia and Eastern Indonesia. According to the speaker, in the exploration of oil and gas basins, a geoscientist needs to know the tectonic settings of the area. The third material was delivered by Mr. Muhammad Fikri Shahab from PTT Exploration and Production. He delivered general geological mapping, including the importance of geological mapping, how to do the correct geological mapping, especially in oil and gas exploration purposes.
And the last material came from Ms. Indira Asteriana from the HR MIGAS Community. He delivered material about ‘Steps to Win Your Dream Job’. HR MIGAS itself is a human resource community in oil and gas industry companies (including upstream, downstream, midstream, and Services Company) that have a vision to develop a better oil and gas industry in Indonesia. In his material, he described how to determine dream jobs, work competencies in the company, and the usual causes of failure in the hiring process of a company.
The guest lecture ended with souvenirs giving. The special souvenir SKK MIGAS give to Geophysical Engineering ITS is a book entitled “The Memoir: Petroleum System of Eastern Indonesia Region”.
This kind of activities are really useful for students with a focus in geoscience studies. Beside getting such knowledge, students can also interact directly with people who work in oil and gas industry companies, so they can learn the application of knowledge they gained in lectures and understand what needs to be prepared to face the world of work.
by Shofi Iqtina Hawan
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