

The laboratory functions as a support for practical learning, which is provided in various categories, as explained below.


There are five categories of laboratory in the Department of Geophysical Engineering:

It is a lecturer discussion room according to the area of expertise, There are 2 labs :

a. Petrophysics

b. Mineral and Undergroundwater Exploration

Facilities with computer units provided can be utilized by the entire academic community to support the learning process

Facilities provided for students to do indoor practical learning

Facilities provided for students to work on rock mechanics practical learning

A. Mud Volcano Gunung Anyar

B. Wringinanom, Gresik

C. Kabuh, Jombang

D. Karangsambung, Kebumen

SOP of Borrowing Equipment


SOP of Equipment Operation

5S Implementation

To increase the efficiency and quality of work in the laboratory, the implementation of 5S has been adopted for conducive research and learning activities.


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