
Fidela Lathifah Elviana, Selected Student For Project Studies Program 2022, With Soka University Japan

Thu, 15 Sep 2022
8:51 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |


Congratulation for Fidela Lathifah Elviana, being selected student to be involved in international program which is a collaboration program between ITS and Soka University Japan. FIdela will have opportunity to work with Soka University students in projects related to Disaster Management.


ITS in collaboration with Soka University presents a program called “Project Studies Program 2022 : Disaster Management”, ith 4 interesting topics which are IT for Disaster Management, Earthquake & Flood, Water Problems, and Waste Problems. This program runs with two condition, Online on every Tuesday, start from 13 September 2022 – 10 January 2023 and and on site program which will be held on spring semester 2023 at ITS Campus.


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