BMKG press release 3 August 2023) – Head of the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Dwikorita Karnawati confirmed that there is a source of the Opak Fault earthquake in DIY, which has a target magnitude of M6.6. The Opak Fault is the source of the earthquake whose path is located on land. It is active and has not stopped its activity. The memory of the 2006 earthquake due to the displacement of the Opaque Fault must not be forgotten. KaBMKG said: Mitigation must continue, don’t stop! BMKG DIY and UGM always monitor Opak Fault activity.
Principal Expert Researcher at the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Prof. Dr. Danny Hilman Natawidjaja in the “National Workshop on the Development of Updating Maps and Latest Sources of Earthquake Hazards in Indonesia” at the end of last year, stated that the eastern Mataram Fault was previously known as the Dengkeng Fault, the Mataram Fault is a continuation of the Dengkeng Fault which passes from east to west and passes through urban areas dense. This should also be a concern for everyone in DIY.
And it should not be forgotten that the source of the plate subduction or megathrust earthquake with a targeted magnitude of M8.7 in the south of Java is still active and has the potential for a tsunami as high as 8-10 meters which could hit the coast of South Java. Once again, the Head of BMKG asked all parties to always carry out disaster mitigation training for communities in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).
ITS Geophysical Engineering Department – Mageti-IAGI – Mularwarman University invited speakers from BMKG, BRIN and UGM Geodetic Engineering to hold a Webinar “UPDATE Active Faults in the Special Region of Yogyakarta” inviting resource speakers:
Sebagai moderator:
Dr. (Cand) Retno Anjarwati (Dosen Teknik Geologi UNMUL)
Sebagai penanggap:
dan host:
which will be held on:
Presentation of speakers could be accessed through the following link:
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