ITS Geophysical Engineering continues to hold international activities to support ITS’ efforts to become a Top 500 World Class University. In collaboration with the Geosciences Department, Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia, this time ITS Geophysical Engineering held a Short Program activity provided for 13 UTP students.
Entitled “Wringinanom Field Trip”, participants are invited to explore the Wringinanom Mud Volcano phenomenon geologically and geophysically. Taking place from 24 – 30 June 2024, this Short Program includes research activities on campus and outside campus.
Outside campus activities include mapping, geological structure analysis, and geophysical measurements in the Wringinanom mud volcano area. Participants are invited to measure the subsurface using microtremors, geoelectrics and seismographs.
In campus activities include providing material on the geological model of the Wringinanom mud volcano, provision on the use of geophysical tools that will be used for measurements, data processing using software, and a presentation session at the end of the activity.
With the success of this international event, hopefully it will provide an unforgettable experience for participants. Hopefully the collaboration between ITS Geophysical Engineering and UTP Geosciences will be more productive in the future.
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