
ITS Invites Alumni to Support Campus Towards Top 500 World Ranking University

Wed, 18 Aug 2021
8:22 pm
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

Sir & Madam alumni of ITS around the world,

We report the progress of filling out alumni data as respondents to the QS survey that we asked for cooperation from Sir & Madam on July 15, 2021. As of August 9, 2021 at 12.00 WIB, we have received 3,779 names with details:

  • 365 names as Academic Peers
  • 3408 names as Employer Peers

To increase the number of Academic Peers (ITS alumni who work in domestic & foreign universities, currently being research fellows/post doc/doctoral students around the world), we have extended our data entry until August 31, 2021 at 23.59 WIB.

Please cooperate with all of SIr & Madam to invite ITS alumni to fill out the following form:

Come on, Sir and Madam, support ITS to raise its global reputation.

Thank you,
Global Engagement ITS Team

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