
Majapahit Civilization Exploration Nusantara Module, ITS Independent Student Exchange Program for Odd Semester 2022/2023

Mon, 29 Aug 2022
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Modul Nusantara Ekplorasi Peradaban Majapahit

Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka (PMM) II Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS)

Bertukar sementara, bermakna selamanya


Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka  is one of the eight MBKM programs and is a domestic student exchange that exchanges students to study at universities throughout Indonesia. The objective of the Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka Program is the achievement of Key Performance Indicators (IKU) through student exchanges that are oriented towards producing quality graduates, collaboration with other higher education partners, increasing understanding of diversity awards in Indonesia through the Nusantara Module, as well as generating online learning innovations. Pertukaran Mahasiswa Merdeka requires 20 credits of learning, including the Nusantara Module with 4 credits.


Group photo at the opening of the Independent Student Exchange “Module Nusantara Exploration of Majapahit Civilization”


The Nusantara module is a series of activities focused on creating a comprehensive understanding of diversity, inspiration, reflection, and social contribution designed through sequential and repeated mentoring. This is intended to maximize the meeting space between students, increase understanding, and deposit the meaning of tolerance. These activities aim to introduce the rich culture of the archipelago that comes from various groups, ethnicities, races, religions and beliefs. Culture functions as the identity of the civilization of a society or country that makes it different from one nation to another. Culture as a barrier, shaping the behavior of community groups, and communication media. Don’t let us not know who we really are, because it makes us lose our identity. The Nusantara PMM II module that will be implemented by ITS introduces more about the culture of the Majapahit kingdom and is more focused on the science and technology of the Majapahit kingdom and before.

Why Majapahit? This is because Majapahit was a kingdom that stood around 1293 – 1500 and reached the peak of its glory as an empire that controlled the archipelago during the reign of Hayam Wuruk, who ruled from 1350 to 1389. Several countries in the world recognized the existence and presence of Majapahit in their country. Hayam Wuruk was the son of Ratu Tribuana Tunggadewi (1328-1350 AD) and during his reign, the long awaited peace was realized, conflicts rarely occurred. The life of the people of the Majapahit kingdom at that time had progressed, generally living on the coast working as traders. Many regions in the archipelago recognize the splendor of the Majapahit kingdom, this is evidenced by the voluntary submission of tribute from various regions to Majapahit.

There are many things that Indonesians should know about Majapahit, because the values ​​applied in Indonesia today are values ​​that previously existed in the Majapahit era. Like the red and white flag from the book Negara Kertagama, then Bhinneka Tunggal Ika from the book Sutasoma. Majapahit also gave birth to a person who had a vision of the future, namely Gajah Mada. The Palapa Oath uttered by Gajah Mada encouraged the Indonesian nation at that time to make it happen. All of that must be known to all the children of the nation so that the national identity remains firm and not uprooted from its roots as the Indonesian nation.

Currently the Majapahit Kingdom is only a trace. Many traces were left by the predecessors of this country in various forms such as inscriptions, books, literature, artifacts, structures, buildings etc. One of the reasons for the buried civilization of Majapahit due to the activities of Mount Kelud. The legacy of Majapahit civilization referred to here includes building artifacts, maritime, spices, and disasters. The Nusantara Exploration of Majapahit Civilization module aims to understand and actualize the culture of the Majapahit civilization as part of the nation’s identity and hopes to be able to reconstruct the traces of Majapahit civilization. Furthermore, students are motivated to explore science and civilization in their respective regions.


Group photo of students, the Directorate of Education, and the Team of Lecturers for the Nusantara Exploration of Majapahit Civilization Module


The Nusantara Exploration of Majapahit Civilization module is divided into four main types of activities, namely:

Diversity: this activity aims to introduce Indonesian culture and diversity in terms of religion, belief, race, ethnicity, class, language and groups in Indonesia. This activity is carried out 14 times during one semester of the program. The Nusantara Exploration of Majapahit Civilization module is divided into exploration of buildings, maritime, spices and disasters. Activities carried out by visiting and identifying problems in the Trowulan museum, artifact buildings, medicinal forests, Mount Kelud and marine laboratories (maritime). Students are asked to directly present their experiences of diversity in these various locations.

Inspiration: this activity aims to stimulate inspiration for students obtained from conversations and discussions with local inspirational figures. This activity is carried out 3 times during one semester of the program. To recognize the greatness of civilization, language and letters were needed at that time, so an epigrapher was needed. The method used is learning in class and practice at the Trowulan Museum. Majapahit was known as a maritime kingdom as well as an agrarian country and introduced the spice route throughout the world. Maritime and spices lectures followed by field practice will provide new experiences for students. Discussions with digital reconstruction experts.

Reflection: this activity aims to reflect on the learning process gained from diversity and inspirational activities. This activity is carried out 7 times during one semester of the program. Students presented the results of visits and identification on the islands of Bineka and the results of inspiration in the form of posters, videovlogs and reports linked to the Nusantara Module web its ac id and common social media such as youtube, facebook, telegram, and others.

Social Contribution: this activity aims for students to do community service. This activity is carried out once during one semester of the program. PMM students display their work in the NUSANTARA FESTIVAL and in a series of ITS 62 Anniversary activities.


-Modul Nusantara team


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