
‘NGOBRAS’ Ngobrol Santai : Waspada Angin Puting Beliung

Tue, 25 Oct 2022
7:41 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of East Java Province stated that the number of houses damaged by the tornado that hit Sidoarjo Sunday, October 23, 2022, recorded 261 housing units in Buduran District, namely Citra Garden, Jade Ville, and Kahuripan. Also in Sidoarjo District, Aloha Roundabout, Gedangan District, and Taman District. The most damaged houses recorded in Sidokepung Village, Buduran District, were more than 100.

Previously, on October 21, 2022, a tornado hit Blitar and caused many trees to fall. There were fatalities when a large tree with a diameter of more than 70 centimeters fell in the Wlingi area.

What is a Tornado? Why have these few years been more frequent and of greater power?
What should be done to reduce disaster risk?

ITS Geophysical Engineering in collaboration with BMKG Juanda present NGOBRAS “Ngobrol Santai”: Waspada Angin Puting Beliung, with inviting resource speakers :

  • Teguh Tri Susanto, S.Si, MT. (Koordinator Bidang Data dan Informasi BMKG Juanda)
  • Dr, Amien Widodo (Lecturer of ITS Geophysical Engineering)

as moderator:

  • Juan Pandu Gya Nur Rochman, M.T. (Lecturer of ITS Geophysical Engineering)

which will be held on

Presentation of resource speaker could be accessed through :


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