
Presents Petrel Workshop, Dr Jan Barmuta from Poland Visit ITS Geophysical Engineering in The Program of Erasmus+ Teaching Staff Mobility

Mon, 10 Oct 2022
8:48 am
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Oleh : Admin-Teknik Geofisika   |

From 3 until 7 October, ITS Geophysical Engineering had a series of international workshop given by international professor. Dr. Jan Barmuta from AGH STU Poland was invited to give lectures with the topic of PETREL SOFTWARE WORKSHOP.

Dr. Jan Barmuta is giving workshop to students of ITS Geophysical Engineering

The visiting of Dr Jan was started by the collaboration meeting led by Dr. Maria Anityasari, the Director of ITS Global Engagement. After the discussion, ITS Global Engagement brought Dr Jan to a Campus tour, and was continued by Department tour led by Dr Dwa Desa Warnana, Head of ITS Geophysical Engineering, to visit some laboratories.


Dr. Jan visited Petrophysics laboratory of ITS Geophysical Engineering

The workshop was started on the second day, which was held on 3rd floor of ITS Geophysical Engineering building. The series of workshop given by Dr Jan were “Introduction to PETREL”, “Seismic Interpretatation with PETREL”,  and “Introduction to Well Seismic Tie with PETREL”.


Dr. Jan is giving assitance to students operating the PETREL software

For ITS Geophysical Engineering, the class with Dr. Jan felt magnificent. The knowledge given by Dr. Jan was delivered in interesting way and well received. Thanks to the funding of Erasmus+ Teaching Mobility Program, which is able to invite Dr. Jan to flew from Poland to Indonesia to have session with students of ITS Geophysical Engineering.

Closing ceremony of Dr. Jan visiting program, with group photo in front of the class

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